Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Awareness for Breast Cancer and Cancerous thoughts.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and before the close of the month, I wanted to post a little about issues that generally target women. Don't worry, nothing to heavy or liberal (I'm sure some of you were worried!) Here are a few news stories that I found interesting. Perhaps a little fuel for thought. (Most of them are pretty short!)

Arab Women in the Media

(Fascinating video concerning the portrayal of women by Arab TV and the media).

Standing up for Women is Blasphemy

(Gives a different perspective of the need for separation of church and state).

Student Arrested for Thesis on Women's Rights

I don't want to rant, but I simply pose: As heavily involved in foreign affairs as the United States is, why don't we use our influences in a peaceful manner to promote human rights as opposed to war? (Ok, I got it out!)

Enjoy the rest of the beautiful month of October.

Don't forget frequent self-exams! = )


1 comment:

  1. Hello. My name is Rachel and I enjoy your blog and your personal viewpoints. We apparently have similar tastes in style as I see that we have the same blog background. Enjoy your day.


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