Friday, January 23, 2009

Away for the weekend

David, Anastasia, and I (and the baby, naturally) are off to North Carolina to my family's "dacha" (Russian word for "vacation home" ) for the weekend. I don't think either of us have been so excited to get out of town and leave most of our responsibilities in Athens!

We are staying busy with school and work, and trying to find other avenues of saving and making money- such as eBay (which is a wonderful way to turn internet addictions into industrious productivity, and money.) As very few of my clothes are fitting now, (17 weeks pregnant), I've found eBay is a great place to find gently used maternity clothes. Unless someone has a gaggle of children, they aren't worn for long and women are eager to get rid of them (I don't blame them on most styles. I have to confess, my maternity clothes taste is probably even more expensive and picky than my usual tastes). And though I feel larger, I'm still on the small end, and its nearly impossible to find clothes that fit!

For some reason this topic is making me hungry, and we need to hit the road. I baked a whole chicken last night for dinner, and made a large pot of homemade chicken soup for lunch today, it was wonderful, and I'm going to eat another bowl.

Hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!

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