Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Break

at the beach

the french quarter
cafe du monde
St. Louis Cathedral on Jackson Square
beignets at Cafe du Monde!
at dinner with my grandparents!

David and I are back in Athens after a wonderful week of fun and resting.

We drove to Atlanta Friday night and spent some time with Sharon, David's sister. Saturday morning we headed to the beach for an entire week (wow, I don't think that ever happens!) We caught up on sleep, watched TV (I caught David watching "What Not to Wear" as well as quite a few HGTV shows, and the History Channel, but no surprise there. We also had never seen Jon and Kate Plus addicting.) took walks on the beach, went shopping...etc. etc.

My grandparents were there for three days, and it was wonderful to get to visit with them! I also got to spend some time with my friend, Madison, and catch up on things, since I haven't seen her since our wedding.

On Thursday we took a trip to New Orleans. We walked around the French Quarter, ate beignets at Cafe du Monde, went to the Cabildo (site of the Louisiana Purchase), ate gumbo and jumbalaya, enjoyed the street performers, and saw a rare books collection. We did a lot of walking- on Friday we slept..a lot.

We had a dreary drive back on Saturday. David had to open at 6 this morning (Sunday), and I'm catching up on laundry and getting ready for the week!

It will be a tough adjustment from Central to Eastern time because of the time change last week, but we are ready to knock out the rest of the semester (over half-way...!).

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