Monday, October 26, 2009

Mad Men

It all started when a client asked for a "Mad Men" themed shower invitation.

I had never seen the TV show, and I was born in the 90's, so I was quite out of touch with the turn of the decade (50's/60's). So, David and I began watching for "research." I see why it is so acclaimed, it's very well-done. The sexism is extraordinary. I highly recommend the show; though at times its painful to watch!

So, in true Mad Men style, David and I have been looking at houses. Well, really, I have been looking at houses for the past 1 1/2 years. My criteria?

Originally uploaded by csingletaryparker

-All brick
-Nice yard
-Big kitchen
-Laundry room
-Good deal
-No new construction

It's funny, because agents think that a "young couple" will want a new construction, most of which are two story. I want a house with "character." I think it's something about my childhood, we've always lived in a brick ranch. 4 out of 5 houses have been brick ranches (The one exception I don't remember, it was before I was 4). It's ingrained. I want a brick ranch. It's nothing personal against other styles of homes, it's just "my style."

And now, we've found the perfect one...
A 1960's 3 bedroom/2 bath brick ranch

We put an offer on it last Friday and are waiting to hear back...we should hear something by the end of the week!

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