Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dmitri's Room : The Drawing Board

I have been busy sewing a throw to coordinate with Dmitri's bedroom scheme...

It was a lot more work than I anticipated, but I'm happy with how it turned out (and glad to be finished.) Hand sewing is REALLY not my thing...and I think I might have broken my sewing machine trying to put three layers of fleece through it...oops. I have not accessed the damage yet, but hopefully it won't need any amputation. = / Click here for a tutorial! (That is, for the throw. NOT for sewing machine surgery.)

Dmitri approved!

The color choice is based off of the accent colors for Dmitri's room: Orange & Turquoise.

Here is the Drawing Board for Dmitri's room...
Paper Cranes & Goldfish

1. Paper crane mobile
4. Goldfish in a bowl

I wanted a unique motif, and I considered several different "themes" including Dr. Suess & The Little Prince...but nothing was perfect. This asian-inspired idea seems to fit the simplicity of a child, and shows a hope for abundance and peace.

This is just the beginning! So much more to come out of my idea book!

I linked up @ Talented Tuesday , DIY Day, & Trash to Treasure Tuesday.

*I am NOT paying $84 for a pillow...


  1. $84 for a PILLOW! That's insane!
    The blanket looks great! I do hope your sewing machine is ok though. It really does look awesome! You are so talented!!

  2. Great on the blanket and Dmitri looks so cute on it

  3. What a fabulous blanket! You did an amazing job - I love your drawing board for the room - The colors and fish are adorable!

  4. It always kills me how they can charge so much for a throw pillow. Who pays that?

    I love the goldfish theme. That is so original. Makes me think of one fish, two fish.

    Thanks for stopping by to see my kitchen. My husband says we'll finish tommorrow. We have been working on it since November and their have been snags all along the way so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  5. I love it! It's so different than the average childs room. And Dimitri is so cute! You can tell he likes it :)

  6. What a great original theme and the colors are great. The blanket looks amazing. What a cute litlte guy.

  7. It turned out great, and I'm sure he looooves it!

    Thanks for taking part in Talented Tuesday at My Frugal Family! Don't forget to come back next week!

  8. I love orange and turquoise together - great combo!

    P.S. I love your Dwight quote :)

  9. Such a cute look for a baby's room, and I love the color scheme! Thanks for linking up.

  10. Cute blanket- i'm very impressed. LOVE the design for his nursery. So unique, it will be so cute!!!


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