Sunday, January 31, 2010

Goldfish Pillow

Here is the first pillow I designed for Dmitri's goldfish & crane bedroom!

 I think the top right goldfish is staring at me...eeh.

It only cost me $ 0.99 ! Time investment? About an hour.
I made a stencil using this goldfish , drew it onto the fleece, and cut it out. I hot-glued googly-eyes on! I cut out little felt "bubbles" and hot-glued everthing in place. Very minimal sewing! (Just the basic pillow). 

This idea could be used for a lot of different animals. Hope it inspires you to create something fluffy!


  1. ADORABLE! it looks a lot like my bird pillows i picked up at target and have been seeing lots of designers using in magazines.

    maybe target could pick up your goldfish line ;) great job, girl!

  2. that's awesome! I like how the goldfish are sort of sizing you up.

  3. Looks great. Hope your little one will not eat the eyes though.

  4. Very cute- and I am a fan of anything using a hot glue gun!

  5. What a cute idea! I'd keep my eye on that one goldfish though. :)

  6. You're so talented! And I LOVE the theme...adorable. Can't wait to see the finished product!!

    (And SO glad you stopped by my blog, so now I can read yours:) )

  7. How cute! I love that the eyes are going all directions.


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