Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Opening up a pipe of trees?

So, I go to project 225 at 9 o'clock this morning, where projects # 1 and # 2 are already in progress...

Project # 1 - Have an electrician estimate costs on work that can fit into two categories:

Things that NEED to be done - Such as, grounded outlets in the kitchen and bathrooms. And the hot water heater needs to be rewired. Simple enough. We also don't have an outlet in the master bath. I turn to the electrician and say, "UH...how am I supposed to dry my hair!?" So, yes, we will be putting in an outlet.

Things that we might consider doing at a later date - ground the entire house, and update the breaker box (no more dials!)

Project # 2 However, might also turn into projects # 3, # 4, and # 5....
So, all we want is to have some plumbers come out and turn the water on. I mean, we have got to have water! Well, evidently, the sewage pipes weren't connected..and water started running all through the crawl space, and all in the kitchen. And, they needed to fix a cracked pipe. But, before they did that, they had to take a lunch break. Seriously? It's only 10 AM and its time for a lunch break?? So, they come back from eating some burritos, and take a camera and stick it 25 feet down the pipe.

And guess what they find...

There is a TREE growing in it. Yeeah....

And that's all they did today. So tomorrow, they are going to clear the forest growing in our water system. These are some redwoods that I don't feel too badly about cutting down.

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