Sunday, April 25, 2010

The key

When you buy a house that was built in the 1800's, this is what the front door key looks like!

Our final walk-through went well. The roof hasn't caved in and there isn't water spewing from the toilet. However, there is a 6 ft. long snake in the yard. Any ideas on how to get rid of snakes? Other than a shovel and shotgun? Go ahead and call my Laura Ingalls. We are country folk now.

We close tomorrow. I still cannot believe it. Smile & tear.



  1. congrats! sooooooo exciting! i can't wait to see you work your wonders on decorating and making a home. all the best to you and your family.

  2. That is SO cool! Even cooler is that it hasn't been lost over the years. I've lost so many keys in my day, I couldn't trust myself with such an antique key like that.

    I'm sure any hardware store would have trouble making a double of that one.

  3. Congrats and good luck. Get used to the snakes though. Our farmhouse was built in 1890. I refer to the basement as the "snake den of dispair". It is a fitting name.

  4. Congrats! We are all very excited for you! That key is awesome - you should frame it if you ever end up not needing it anymore.

    About the snakes - yikes - I don't know. I'm a country girl, but we never had snakes that big, just little friendly ones. Good luck!

  5. Congrats on your new house-- that key is sweet!-- but Snakes-- ugh I have no suggestions I hate those things. Thanks for your comment on my blog too- I usually use Illustrator and a little Photoshop to design with-- and since my niece wanted the 4x9 card size the cheapest I could find to print was with overnight Hope that helps.

  6. We've been in our home since 1999, so I have forgotten how nerve-wracking all of this home buying is. I'm so happy for you and your family. All I can say is, Finally. I know we're going to get to read some great posts on home renovating and decorating, etc.

  7. mothballs are supposed to help (but aren't 100% or anything) so you could give that a try. besides that.....learn to like snakes? lol

  8. So cute! I think I might have to buy the house for the key alone:)

    Best of luck!

  9. Congratulations! What an exciting time for your family. The house is so cute and I would love to have a key like that for my front door.

  10. We may want to change out that lock.
    you need to find out what kind of snake you have. It may keep the mice and rats away.
    Congratulations. I can't wait to see it.

  11. That is so rad. I love it. Congrats again - I can't wait to see where this home takes you.

  12. That is an awesome key!! Snakes? Yikes! That's a little scary... but congratulations having your first home!!!

  13. Hello! This is my first time ever to visit your lovely blog. I came over to see you from Sweet Savanah.
    LOVE the key! I wish all key's were still skeleton keys.
    Nice to meet you!
    Hoosier hugs,

  14. Congrats on your new house. My kids went to school in Athens - UGA.

    I remember the first house we bought - we couldn't sleep for nights - should we or shouldn't we?

    Good luck. Do you ever get to Marietta - we are almost neighbors.


  15. Congrats on the house! We just bought our first in December and still sometimes can't believe it's all ours. :P

    As for the snakes, our first married home was a rental on 50 acres of woods. I loved that we could see cows all around us but the snakes came as quite a shock. I strongly encourage you to find a local pest control company. Not your average bug guy, but someone who has a country location near you. We were really lucky to find someone only 2 miles down the road from us who had an actual Snake Guy. His name is Kevin and I love him almost as much as my husband! When a 7 foot rat snake snuck into our garage and kept my pregnant self and infant child trapped in our van for nearly 90 minutes I was so incredibly grateful to meet him that I seriously fell in love. The first snake removal was pricey but then we signed up for an annual contract that came out to about $90/month. Totally worth it because he became my 24/7 snake removal service if they were in the house (aka the garage, the basement, climbing up the gutter or waiting for us on the front step...yeah, I sort of got over country living after 2 years out there!) Added bonus, he also removed the wasps that came in through our bathroom vent and the ants that thought my son's dropped cheerios were an open invite to move into our sunroom.

    So, long story short, find yourself a local snake guy. Add him to your Christmas list. Or learn what kind of poisonous, dangerous snakes live in your area and be prepared to lie. Animal control will only remove copper heads here so when I sobbed on the phone that a giant black snack was trying to eat me van and all they just told me it wasn't one they could or would respond to.


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