Friday, April 9, 2010

Tack Swallowing Champ

If you recall here, I wrote a melodramatic post where I muse that I must be a terrible mother since my son almost swallowed a tack. There is a lot of motherly freaking out and crying going on. But Dmitri was fine, and no tack was swallowed.

He pulled an instant replay last night except he did not swallow a tack. I bawled hysterically held it together, mostly in denial that he actually might have swallowed it this time and thinking that since we couldn't find it, we might as well get an X-ray "just to make sure."

And he definitely swallowed it. I have the X-ray and everything. We spent several hours yesterday evening in the ER, and all of this morning at the doctor. At this point, it has not made any progress and is hanging out in his stomach. We are really hoping that when we have more X-rays on Monday that it will be gone!! We are just waiting at this point!


  1. Dmitri is just about the cutest baby I ever saw!

    Sorry for your time in the ER and at the docs. Been there and hated it.

    One time my eldest son actually quit screaming (colic, reflux etc.) for long enough for me to have a quick chat at the mailbox with a neighbor. When I looked down I saw that he'd eaten at least a dozen stone gravel pieces.

    *sigh* passing that wasn't fun and I felt like the worst mom on the planet.

    Kids put things in their mouths. It's just a fact of life. Don't beat yourself up about it. This sort of thing happens.

    Hope the tack passes through his system quickly. Have a great weekend.

  2. Bless your heart and his! I hope everything works its way out ok!

  3. Poor baby and poor mommy!! I'll be praying for him, and you, this weekend! Hope it's all fine Monday!

  4. Oh my god! That little stinker! I'm sure you guys are so worried, but you're wonderful parents and he's in good hands. I'm sure he's going to be okay. I'll be thinking about you guys!

  5. OMG that's scary. I believe it'll be OK though - hang in there! You'll be telling his prom date all about it in no time!

  6. Oh no, bless your heart! How scary!! I hope the X-Ray turns out that there is nothing!! He sure does look cute in that little gown though! ;)

  7. Thanks for the comment on my blog friend. soo sweet of you. I am SOOO sorry that your little guy swallowed a scarey. :( My daughter swallowed 35 Excedrin when she was 2. It was the scariest thing. Especially cuz we live 3 hours from a "real" hospital. She was airlifted to Denver Children's. My husband flew with her and I had to drive down the next day with my then 4 month old. I feel your pain. This too shall pass (literally). am praying for you guys! and little Dmitri.

  8. Very scary. I'm lucky we didn't have to go through this with my daughter. I liked to eat straight pins as a toddler. This was scary for my mother. I'm glad she didn't take after me!!!!

  9. Don't feel bad. My first baby somehow got ahold of a Christmas decoration and shoved part of it up his nose, and then another time picked a pecan out of the salad he was eating and shoved it up his nose. Not sure what the fasination was...? He's 18 now and graduating soon. It's those crazy moments I remember now and wish it was that we were dealing with rather than the worry about him wrecking the car...

    Gosh, not sure if this cheered you up or not!!?!

    Happy Day...


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