Friday, May 21, 2010

10 Months Old

I think this photo says so much. Dmitri is quite a character, and we are enjoying watching his own personality develop and unfold! He is so curious. We call him our monkey.

This evening, as I was trying to put him to bed, he was wanting to play instead of sleep. So I "played dead" in hopes that he would get the idea that it was time to calm down and sleep. He was quiet for a few minutes, so I half-opened one of my eyes to peep at him, and he is sitting beside me, starring at me. I quickly close my eye, hoping that maybe he didn't see me open it. He proceeded to climb on top of me, grab the eyelashes of my "peeping eye" and pry open my eye.

Oh, Dmitri. You are so funny. Except when you wake me up every morning by shaking my head by my hair to the point of hemorrhaging. That's not cool.

I love the way that you view the world: everything and everywhere is an adventure to explore. I hope that you rub off on me.

I love you so much.

As I always say, but yet it's always true, time goes by so quickly. I can hardly believe his first birthday is coming up...I'm already on top of the party, so get excited. Details to come.


  1. You are so right. Time goes by so quickly. It was just yesterday, I swear my children were babies. Now they are 22 and 17. I was there for every single minute of it, but I sometimes feel like I missed so much.
    Thanks for the nice comment on my blog... now I am your newest follower... Holly

  2. He is such a cutie! Can't wait to hear all the party details.

  3. What a happy little guy! I love that age! I remember the days of waking up to kids climbing into your bed when it's still dark out! Now I have a 17 & 14 yr. old and they like to sleep! xo

  4. Haha, I used play "dead" a lot too, until "bopbop" Mommy in the face was too funny for my daughter to pass up while I'm off guard.

  5. What a cute picture! I'm about to put up Celia's 16 month post. It does go by quickly!

  6. That is so cute!! Too smart for mommy!! Such a precious shot in the clawfoot tub!!

  7. Awww I love that picture!! He is so adorable!! Time really does go by fast. It's crazy!

  8. I remember having my eyelids peeled open as I tried to play dead. I also remember having my eyeballs peeled open when I was actually sleeping. OW!

    Good times!

  9. They never fall for that whole 'playing dead' thing, do they?? I can't wait to see what you've got planned for his birthday!!


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