Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why Don't We Do It in the Road

I have had two non-related road experiences in the past 24 hours. They were not Beatles or sex related. Sorry for the disappointment.

1. I hit a deer. Almost. It was less than a foot away from my car as I slammed on the brakes and swerved. I was coming around a curve at night and there it was. Adrenaline rushing and hands shaking, my first thought is, 'gee that deer sure is moving slowly, waddling like a duck to the other side. Except it was a deer'... My second thought is something to the extent of, 'goh, that deer sure is fat. Like, a seriously obese deer. Maybe that's why it's lazily waddling in front of my car at night.' My third thought goes something like...

OH MY GOD, there is an embryonic sac hanging out of the deer!! It's giving birth....

I slam my car into reverse (in the middle of the road) trying to watch. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see any more than that. But I was still left with a reverence for the miracle of birth and the processes of nature. I was on a high after that...yes, I'm weird like that. I get "birth highs"...

2. David and I are driving on the interstate to our house, deep in conversation about life and decision-making, when I look at the clock and realize that we should be pulling into our neighborhood by now according to our ETA...Evidently I had driven 12 miles past our exit and not even realized it. David couldn't say much either, since he hadn't noticed at all...It took an extra 30 minutes to get home. How do these things happen? Sometimes I wonder about us...and our sanity. As my mom says, 'we are free spirits'...


  1. That is amazing about the deer!!
    And about missing your exit, that is hilarious!! We have done that too.

  2. Yikes! that's where GPS's come in handy, they FUSS at you when you miss a turn! lol

    Free spirits, love it!

  3. Wow you almost saw a live wild birth! Not very many people can say that!
    I guess you and your huby were just so deep in conversation that you both weren't thinking about getting home :)

  4. I love the things you are doing to your house! I cant wait to see the rest!
    Check out the $50 giveaway on my blog!

  5. #1 - That *is* amazing!
    #2 - I think it's kind of awesome that you guys were so engrossed in your conversation that you went that far past your exit!!


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