Monday, June 21, 2010

Design Dilemma: Massive Naked Fireplace

Our decorating dilemma: 

We have five fireplace mantels, and 11+ foot ceilings. This leaves us with such large canvases to work with when decorating our mantels. Both a blessing, and a curse. I had hoped to show you a beautiful Georgia O'Keefe piece that we planned to hang over our living room mantel. But, the print was much too small and underdramatic. We would need a piece twice it's size to do the space justice. Here are some fireplace inspiration that I am looking to for help and ideas! Enjoy! 

Images via DecorPad and Apartment Therapy.

Mirrors? Pictures? Starbursts? Other eclectic groupings...

What do you like? Any inspiration to share with me?

Here is our fireplace again..

It just looks so...naked!


  1. I have seen (Can't remember where) people place molding from the mantel up to the ceiling on both sides of the firepplace. And then paint the wall inbetween the same color as a manel. You can still add art or a mirror to it.

    Also you could just build a really large frame for you art work?

    Like that!

  3. . I have similar empty space atop of my built-in shelves. I was thinking of painting a tall, simple mural, such as stalks of bamboo?

  4. I like the third inspiration photo best. I have large ceilings too, and decorating my mantle was easy. It's the center of the living room, so we just mounted our tv into the wall and my husband built a large TV frame.

    I can't wait to see what you come up with! I love the color on the walls.

  5. i think a huge mirror or a large painting would suit your style you could add candlesticks, too. check out my house of giggles blog- her mantle has a large painting that she did and it looks gorgeous!

  6. Ahhh I love that one with the books in it! Of course. lol.

  7. I'm not so sure what to do on top but I must say I LOVE the idea of using the fireplace for storage! I live in South Louisiana so it is never cold enough to actually use the fireplace in our house. I've been putting toys in it, but I like the idea of books too. I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  8. I always love a large mirror and candles on top of a mantle piece. Or maybe a huge blown up family portrait / photo on canvas? As for the pics - I love that sweet green fireplace in the bathroom. How delightful and cozy.

  9. A large Picasso print looks like it would go with your style. I've always loved the painting, Guernica. You can buy some good prints on

  10. I like One, three and four.....whatever you do will look great though..simply because you touched it!

  11. You know I have no suggestions, I just come to gaze at what you come up with. :-) But that last picture with the book is going to give me nightmares! I'm just going to tell myself they're alphabetized by author...

  12. I think a large mirror would look very dramatic with the blue and white contrast. Home Goods has some great large and inexpensive ones, and I there is a great one in Athens.

  13. HI ! I wanted to thank you for the sweet words you wrote on one of my post about a year ago. At that time I had just started a blog and also just had a baby-so I had very little time to devote to the blog but I have decided to give it another try. Just wanted to stop in and say thanks. Tammy


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