Friday, August 13, 2010

Loaded Down: Ikea Makes me Want a Bigger Car

We did another Ikea run. As usual, we overestimated the size of our small SUV ("But we have an SUV....with that kind of gas mileage, surely it will fit...") In the end, we did get everything to fit. Just not comfortably, or with the trunk closed. David ended up sitting cross-legged the entire way home.

My apologies for the iPhone quality photos. But I couldn't NOT take photos.

Tying down the back.

Dmitri doesn't seem to long as he has his trains from Ikea.
 I may or may not have also bought some shoes. (On sale!)

The view from the driver's seat.

Can you believe we bought all of this in under an hour? (Which is always our Ikea time limit). 

We made it home slowly, but safely! There will be a lot of assembling going on here this weekend. And hopefully lot's of pictures Monday! 

Have a great weekend!


  1. It never fails, every time I go to IKEA I have a problem packing the car. We have a Forrester. Once we took my husbands Porsche to prevent us from buying so much and THAT was interesting.

    Have a great weekend and can't wait to see photos!

  2. I so cannot WAIT to see what all you bought. Most of our house is Ikea- I'm more than a little obsessed.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! This is hysterical. My husband and I used to live in China and making our way home from the Ikea was soooo funny..STUFFING our taxi with the same amount of stuff....oh boy. :) I love Ikea!!!! way to go!

  4. i have often driven like that but never with kids in the car! way to go!

  5. Sounds like a lot of fun! I love Ikea and wish we lived closer to one.

  6. It's the same for us, IKEA is a trip itself since the closest one is 4hrs away. We have packed our Trailblazer to the roof, and some on the roof. Back seats folded down, long boxes between us. Good thing my husband used to load bags on planes, he can get everything to fit.

  7. Wow you sure have been busy... I can't wait to see photos of what all you bought :+)

  8. When I go to Ikea, I take my time, make an afternoon of it, eat some food, look around some more, have a frozen yogurt. I just couldn't do it in an hour!!

    Have fun putting it all together!!!!!!!

  9. Kitchen? It's always fun trying to perfectly assemble the pieces to fit in the car, almost as fun as trying to get the ikea furniture pieces together. So worth the effort though, can't wait!!

  10. LOL, funniest post I've seen all week! I feel better knowing that I'm not the only one who comes home with truckloads of Ikea stuff. Have fun building, can't wait to see what got!

  11. I love Ikea - call me crazy, but I think assembling Ikea furniture is so therapeutic! Can't wait to see what goodies you bought!

  12. This cracks me up. Been there ... done that. Be forewarned ... your "cramming" isn't as effective once you have more than one kid.

    I'm excited to see all the good mojo you are about to bestow on that charming house of yours!

  13. Oh my! I half expect to see granny strapped to the roof.

  14. if you had a bigger car, you might buy more ....
    I'm sure that wasn't the plan ....

    don't shoot me ... don't care much for ikea .... eeeekk


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