Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Stencil Love

The weather is being completely uncooperative when it comes to photo taking. However, it's the perfect sleeping weather, and I love thunderstorms, so I'm hardly complaining. But it does mean, no pictures of our Ikea loot. Instead, I will share with you another project that is on the roster.

via Young House Love

I just ordered the above stencil from Sunny's Goodtime Paints.  If you have not checked out this store, it's a must. It really is unbelievable what they do with glazes, washes, stencils, and decals. I cannot even believe that's not a rug. Cool, no?

via Sunny's Goodtime Paints

 I have never stenciled a wall before, and I could not be more excited about this adventure. Any stenciling pros out there?


  1. That looks soo cool. Never done it myself though. Can't wait to see how yours turns out.!

  2. Now THAT is stenciling done right. I absolutely LOVE it.

  3. loooove sunny's! i haven't had a chance to use any of her products yet, but i am always looking at her portfolio for inspiration! good luck :)

  4. just make sure you don't get too much paint on your stencil brush and dab and rotate. It's not hard to do, just time consuming. Also make sure to follow the marks on the stencil for proper aligning. Looks like she has some pretty big stencils. Enjoy your project- look forward to seeing the finished product. Thanks for sharin~

  5. It is amazing what can be accomplished with paint and brushes. Unfortunately I've never been very good at faux painting. :(

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