Thursday, September 1, 2011

Home Brewin'

Well, the semester is in full-swing, and while I have been absent from blogging, I have been busy experimenting with new things...

Like home-brewing my own kombucha:
Brew, baby, brew!

Kombucha is delicious. But the whole scoby-fungi-fermentation thing still freaks me out just a little. But I'm being adventurous and trying new things, so that's fun. And funny. And just a little weird.

But, kombucha isn't the only thing that's brewing around here. Taking a blogging break has given me the opportunity to spend time exploring other things. It has given me a chance to read books, and I don't mean e-books or blogs (though I love both of those too). I mean a real book with paper pages...and it's been wonderful to step into another world. I read the book "The Accidental Farmers," which was fascinating. For the first time in the 11 years that I have been a vegetarian, I am honestly considering eating meat! That is, if I raise it naturally, myself. I am not sure where that journey will take me, but I think I'm having to admit to myself that *whisper* I secretly want to be a farmer.

I used to imagine that I was Laura Ingalls when I was a kid. (And I have read every book that she, and every relative of her, has ever written that I am aware of). I did not sleep in a bed, it was a wagon loaded up with my [stuffed] animals and children. And we rode through the great big woods...I was a pioneer! But living in an industrialized food system stopped me from allowing that dream to grow. I have always valued living naturally and I appreciate independence, but I don't think I ever realized that I could make it a reality.

Currently, I am taking the challenge to not buy processed food. Now, that's not exactly possible since I don't have my own cow to milk every morning...but I am baking my own bread, pizza dough, hamburger buns, and I hope to continue to expand this. I shop at the farmer's market each week, as I try to buy more locally.

It's new and exciting. And a challenge. I am striving to live as I believe we were intended to live, and as I try to ask myself Where does my food come from & how does that effect other people?

What has been so amazing about this journey is how the right people have come into my life at the right time. From my "Anthropology of Eating" class, to my homeschool co-op, a Ladies Homestead Gathering, and even my design client (more about her down below), there have been so many people on similar paths that I am learning from and sharing the pursuit of this lifestyle with. It simply blows me away. Okay, I better stop before I start tearing up. There is nothing like the feeling that comes with knowing you are at the right place, at the right time in life.

Another completely unrelated development that I have been incredibly excited to share with you is that I am working with a design client in Athens to redesign her guest bedroom! I cannot wait to show you the room. But in the meantime, you can follow along with our inspiration on my Pinterest:  Rebecca's Guest Bedroom Pinboard!

Have a wonderful holiday weekend! It's good to be back on the blog.


  1. So exciting Caroline!

    How much money do you spend on groceries if you don't me asking? We've seen our grocery bill sky rocket lately buying better food.

  2. Very cool! I love eating non processed foods! Its amazing if you look at regular store bought bread how many additives and other weird things are in there. I think its awesome what you're doing! We also shop at the farmers market, if you check out to see if you have a local CSA program, you might save a bit while trying atypical foods! I read about a ladies homestead group, love that! I would love to find something like that where we are. Good Luck! Looking forward to reading more about your adventures!

  3. sorry almost forgot, kombucha is awesome! I attend acupuncture school and its one of the herbs I've learned about from other students. Some students make it, I tried it but didn't take out the spongy thing in time and it went bad. The whole thing is really sensitive, but once you get the hang of it, I've heard its easy and can save a lot. Its super good for you too, really helps with liver qi stagnation (usually from stress).

  4. I also secretly (or not-so-secretly...) want to be a farmer! I wish small farmers were treated better in the U.S., because that scares me away. I don't know that I could take the stress.

  5. That's lovely! I love that buffet.

    Kombucha is one of my favorite things, though my husband finds it's odor suspect.

  6. i've been wanting to take the kombucha plunge for awhile, but my lack of patience and annoyance when things don't turn out right the first time is holding me back.

  7. Wow, you've been up to a lot!!! I was busy getting married this summer, so I have not had a lot of time to experiment with anything (I suppose except with having a new hubby), but I'm now back to blogging and loving it! I hope you share more of your experiments with us!

    I grew up on a farm. I miss it dearly now that I'm living in the Twin Cities, but one day I hope to go back to that lifestyle.

  8. I'm going through the same thing right now, albeit a bit slower/smaller since I don't have kids to feed or a yard to garden with. But I'm exploring options for my patio, that's for sure! ;)

  9. I'm really not sure what that is, but I think I need to google it now, or else it's probably going to bother me. Haha.
    You should come by my blog I'm having a giveaway. :)

  10. I 'grew' kombucha a few years ago, and it always reminded me of a placenta... not that I've seen one in real life, though. :P

  11. We brew kombucha and LOVE it! Also try water kefir it's great and milder than kombucha...great for the kiddos!

  12. Exciting!! I have been wanting to get off processed food as well, but I think it is going to muster up a lot of energy to make that switch, and to stick with it.

  13. Happy for you Caroline! I too have been out of the blog loop! Busy, busy! Love your ideas for your client, look forward to seeing more!

  14. We have been making our own Kombucha for a while now and it is awesome! We also love eating non processed food.

  15. hhhmmm...that's all I have to say right now.

    Okay, maybe I can say more.

    I'm with (previous commenter) Cate. I wish ALL farmers were treated better in the US.


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