Monday, August 20, 2012

Our Last Summer Hoorah: Beaches & Weddings

We have dragged out our summer life of un-structure as long as possible, flitting here and there, enjoying friends and family, celebrating my brother's wedding, a last trip to the beach (which is how we started our summer, too!) Today we are home. It is calm and quiet, and I feel ready for a rhythm, winding down for fall, and finding peace.

Snapshots of our latest travels:

 Watching the Blue Angels

Holding tight to mama

 The four of us at the Naval Air Museum

My new sister-in-law was a beautiful bride:

Photo by Audrey Shawver

We will almost share the same name and we have the same initials. I just have an additional "-ine".

The ladies of my family: My mom, Gram, Carol, Grandmother, and me (and Dmitri of course)

I'm sure there will be more photos to come. As for now, I'm home and on a cleaning rampage. Going to go finish scrubbing the bathroom grout that I've always thought was supposed to be dark brown...


  1. Your vaca pics look absolutely dashing! What a fun venture to end your summer:)

  2. You look so tanned! What lovely freckles you have :)

  3. What a gorgeous family!! Looks like a really fun vacation


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