Thursday, September 9, 2010

Baby # 2

 We have been working on another DIY project lately:

Baby # 2 at 11 weeks

We could not be more excited to share that we are expecting baby # 2 at the end of March/beginning of April 2011! (I'm about 12 weeks pregnant).

I've been really sick the first trimester, and I'm hoping for brighter, less pukey days in the second.

Dmitri is not sure what to think about his new title....

We are excited about the adventure and challenge of having two under two! I already have  lots of projects planned as we prepare to welcome baby # 2!


  1. Wow! Congratulations!!! I can't wait to hear more about your new little bundle of joy as he or she continues to grow! :) How exciting!

  2. Congratulations!! I have two under two and it's amazing and hard and AMAZING. You will love it.

  3. How exciting. Congratulations!!! I hate the first trimester, it seems to last forever. Hoping you feel better soon!

  4. Wow, congratulations! That's great news and I hope you start feeling better so you can fully enjoy it!

  5. Oh, congratulations to all 3 of you. What wonderful news for your family. Here's to an even busier life.

  6. It's going to be fun to be pregnant together! Do you know of any good pregnancy blogs with linky parties?

  7. Congrats!! I'm jealous that you are leaving the pukey stage just as I am entering it!

  8. How exciting. Talk about a DIY project!

    Poor Dmitri. He looks like somebody just rocked his world.

  9. Congratulations! How wonderfully excited you all must be :)

  10. how exciting! can't wait to hear all about it. I can't wait until we start working on #2 ourselves.

  11. CONGRATS! That is SO exciting...I wish you and your family the best as you prepare for the fourth memner of your beautiful family :)

  12. Congratulations! I honestly don't know how you do all that you do. FT mom and FT student while making your home look beautiful!

    Rest up cause life is going to get crazy! :)

  13. CONGRATS!!! I hope less pukey days are in your future!

  14. Congratulations! Two is a lot of fun!

  15. You're repainting a room while suffering morning sickness? You go! And congrats!

  16. So exciting! Congrats Caroline!!

  17. oh i am so happy for you! thanks for sharing your wonderful news. we;ve had a bit of a rollercoaster week here emotionally, so good news is welcome!

  18. Okay, I just had my own question answered... Congratulations!!!!!

  19. i am so so happy for u but oh so sad for me :( i was hoping to be annoucing the same happy news we would have been only a few wks apart but a week after finding out we were pregnant again...we lost it a wk later :( i am so happy for u girl! take it easy <3

  20. Congratulations!!!! Two under two will make life a lot of fun for YEARS AND YEARS! My brother and I were both born within 2 years. Good luck with the rest of pregnancy!

  21. Congratulations! It seems the whole world is pregnant with baby #2 :) Makes me want to take the plunge also, almost.

  22. Congrats! 2 under 2 is fantastic! My first two are about 17.5 months apart and have a blast together. My third will be born around my (currently) youngest's 2nd birthday.

    I can't believe how busy you and your husband are and yet you seem to keep it all together. I don't know how you do it! Good luck and healthy pregnancy to you!

  23. Congrats!!! I love hearing wonderful news!!!

  24. Congratulations!! That is so exciting! =)

  25. Eee! Congratulations! How very exciting!

  26. How did I miss this?! Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!



  27. Sooo exciting! CONGRATULATIONS to you and your family - look forward to following you along on your amazing new journey into 2 under 2 :)

  28. How the heck did I miss this post? Huge congratulations to you!!!

  29. Congratulations! I'm due March 15 with my first! It will be fun to watch our progress together. ;-) Enjoy!


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