Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fall is in the air & on my mantle

Fall is here! At least, it feels like it. And I couldn't be more excited.I'm ready for apple cider, bonfires, chili, pumpkins, leaves....

I've been adding little pieces of fall to my mantle.

Have you seen any cute fall decorating ideas? 

Small pumpkins: Wal-mart (8 for $6)
Large pumpkin: Target ($10)
Fall Berries: Target ($10)
Acorn: Hobby Lobby ($2)
Vase: Anthropologie (already owned)
Frames: Target (already owned)
Mirror: Hobby Lobby (already owned)

* Where's Waldo:

Can you tell the difference between the first photo and the second? I made a quick change after seeing how it looked in the photos! 


  1. you changed the photos. And they look awesome. I love the bold and soothing blue in the wall.
    We dont have that many fall in Brazil, only summer and a little cold winter. lol

  2. Looks gorgeous!!
    I didn't see the difference... but I was never good at Waldo anyway! ;)

  3. I usually don't like fall, well because in Seattle it's our only season, LOL. But for some reason seeing your pumpkins made me want some, LOL. Your mantle looks fab and I can't tell the difference between the pictures, and I scrolled up and down like 10 times, still can't figure it out. LOL.

  4. looks great! i love the fall colors against the blue of the walls.

  5. You changed the photos to all black and white! It took me a minute to pick up on it. Love the fall and the fall decorating!


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