Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We've caught the mid-term virus

It's mid-term week here at the S-P Farmhouse. David, Dmitri, and I are all sick, naturally. Which means that Dmitri is unusually demanding, understandably. I conveniently scheduled a check-up with my midwives for today, in between classes, because that is the only time I have available during business hours.Which happens to coincide with when I'm supposed to be working on a research proposal with my group. And if I want David to go to the appointment with me, it means Dmitri must go as well, and he doesn't enjoy sitting in waiting rooms and Doctors offices very much. (Nor do I!)

It's weeks like these, when we are just trying to survive, that I hate being lone parents. I wish we had community, family, and support. It's hard not having anyone to turn to for help.

Just hoping to make it through this week!


  1. Yeah, waiting rooms are so boring! Hope you all feel well soon, darling!

  2. Good luck! You'll get through it. :-)

  3. Oh dear - That does sound like a trying week! I hope you and your family feel better soon! Just a few days until the weekend and hopefully you can get some rest :) Can't wait to hear about how your appointment went!

  4. My husband and I are moving to California this week, away from all of our family in Arizona. Family is such a big help, I can't imagine what it's going to be like, luckily they are not TOO far away. Good luck, and I hope you all start feeling better!

  5. You are doing such an awesome job!! Especially for not having any family around! You guys should be so proud of yourselves!

  6. Feel better soon! EVERYONE seems to be sick. 'Tis the season, I guess. Ugh.

  7. As one who lives 10 hours or more from all family and friends I grew up with - I completely understand!
    I can offer hope however - We had baby #2 up here in the frozen north and the hospital in our small town had a couple of nurses who watched our daughter at 2:00 AM while our son was being born. We're expecting our 3rd, and already nurses have asked if they'll both be in the hospital during delivery. I'm hoping not, but I know if they are, our small town nurses (who I never see except for labs, sonograms or deliveries) will take care of them!
    Sending prayers your way!

  8. I should add - we HAD plans for a place for my daughter to be when my son was born. But then he came early. And our closest backup was 2 hours away.
    We're making better plans this time. :)

  9. Would be nice to have grandmas and grandpas and aunts to make chicken soup and babysit.

  10. If you ever need someone to watch Dmitri while you have an appointment or whatever, just let me know! I would love to... don't be afraid to ask if you need some time to yourself! Goodness knows you deserve it. :)


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