Monday, October 4, 2010

Are you hungry yet? Menu Monday

This week I wasn't quite as good about sticking to our menu, but I do have the excuse of being really sick for about half of the week. So, here is what we actually ate...

spaghetti squash

Tuesday: Homemade veggie subs on an Italian loaf
Wednesday: Too sick to have an appetite (fruit)
Thursday: Homemade red-pepper pizza
Friday: Take out
Saturday: Heirloom tomato sandwiches & garlic roasted potatoes
Sunday: Roasted Spaghetti Squash topped with marinara sauce (an easy and delicious fall dish!)

Baking: Blackberry muffins (I took a blueberry muffin recipe that I had, added 1/2 c. of honey, and used blackberries instead of blueberries. Delicious!)

Hopefully this next week we will be feeling and eating better! I linked up at Org Junkie!

How was your week? Any delightful recipes you'd like to share?


  1. Hope ya'll get to feeling better! Same thing going on over here!

  2. Sorry you are not feeling well. Sounds like you could use some of my soup that I just posted today.
    Hope you feel better soon!

  3. I love spaghetti squash, pretty much any way you can fix it. Unfortunately the rest of my family isn't too crazy about it.

    My menu is up HERE with recipe links if you'd like to take a peek. :)

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm with you on the spaghetti squash. We haven't had much fall weather here, but I'm plowing ahead anyway.

  5. Spaghetti squash is on everyone's menu these days! Thanks for stopping by.


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