Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nursery Update: More Storage

I was able to find a temporary toy storage solution in a shoe rack that I had laying around the house, unused. But, it just wasn't holding everything...

Who knew that another, larger solution was also just hanging out in the house...

 This was the bookshelf we used before our installing wall-to-wall bookshelves

Storage boxes from Ikea...and galvanized buckets 

 A child's eye view...

Jelly Cats...

Dmitri loves it when I organize his toys. He seems to think they are much more interesting when he gets to dishevel them!

Total Cost of this addition: $10 - Ikea Storage boxes


  1. Excelent storage solution! I love it when things lke this happen for little or no money! :)

  2. So orderly! Great ideas here!


  3. My daughter's toys are definitely taking over my house. I need to organize!!

  4. I have missed your genius-ness! I have to keep up with reading so I don't miss these things! <3

  5. Looks great! I love those metal pails! xx

  6. Looking super cute! Have been loving those tin buckets for storage too...

  7. How adorable. Ikea has the best storage solutions.



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