Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Project Nursery: Step 1: Paint!

We have been wanting to start on Dmitri's playroom for a while now. The fact that I am approaching the halfway mark in my pregnancy with jelly bean # 2 has put a little bit more pressure to get it started, so first on my list was changing the backdrop.

I have had a long argument in my head about whether to paint it at all, since it was a nice blue color. I asked your opinion, and you said without hesitation that it was worth it to paint it. My vision for the room has changed a little bit, one reason being that we want to keep it "gender neutral" (as if colors could have gender...) since we don't know what this baby will be yet (We find out next visit!).

So we picked a slightly blustery grey.

Here is the before...

And here it is now!

 I like that it has softened the room, like a fluffy cloud on a windy day.

I am planning to add accents of orange, red, yellow, and pink!

Any ideas for accents?

The color is Olympic's Georgian Silver!


  1. Caroline, could you please share the colour name? It looks so peaceful and fresh. Thanks!

  2. Lovely color. My son's room is a a little bit of a brighter blue than that but similar. We did orange and brown accents. I love the idea of red or you could defintely do a bright pink if it is a girl!

  3. Such a great color. I'm so into that gray blue right now, so soothing.

  4. That color is wonderful! I love how it makes your white trim pop! I am dying to replace my goofy looking baseboards with some thick wide modern boards.

  5. I love the blue gray color. This reminds me of the color we painted our dining room. I love touches of brass or gold with the color.

    Amy R.

  6. Oooo orange will look great. I also think Greens would play in well.

  7. We just painted our dining room grey and we love it. I like your choice. Its neitral enough and all the accents will bring in the fun!

  8. It's beautiful. I'm really digging the grayish color. I may use this in our bedroom. What brand of paint is it?

  9. I LOVE it! And that yellow couch looks fantastic in there.

  10. I love that color!!!!! Gorgeous! Cant wait to see the nursey..I know with your style it will be fabulous!

  11. Beautiful color choice. I look forward to watching your progress.

  12. Great colour and I like the accents too. Even your black furniture looks great against the blue.

  13. looks great! Glad you popped by my blog so I was able to check out yours! love your decorating style

  14. Where did you get the yellow couch?


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