Sunday, December 26, 2010

A White Christmas

Our first Christmas in our home could not have been more perfect and white!

 Our winter wonderland...

Off to do some after Christmas sale raiding....


  1. Lucky you! We had a white Christmas in 2008. Very rainy one for us this year!

  2. We had a high of 75 for Christmas here in Arizona! I do love the snow but there is something about being able to grill on Christmas day without freezing that is incredibly amazing! :)

    love and hugs, Jess

  3. How gorgeous!

    I'm so tempted to go buy some clothes for baby Brudder today. Trying to be good and stay inside, though. :)

  4. We've got a lot of that white stuff up in Canada too! Though I really do appreciate it this time of year.

    Hope you had a lovely Christmas!!

  5. Oh look at your sweet house all covered in snow. I'm so glad you posted this. Just gorgeous!


  6. Sooo pretty and picture perfect! We didn't get any snow here, it was just brutally cold! :( Hope you scored some good stuff on sale!

  7. So a white Christmas.

    The lamb pillows were picked up from Marshalls but I know they sell some at West Elm...except at twice the price.

  8. so pretty! how i love a white christmas~

  9. What lovely pictures. I have to say that after shoveling snow for 3 hours on Monday, taking photos was the last thing on my mind.

  10. Oh the snow is so pretty. We just got about a half inch just enough that it could be said we had a White Christmas.

  11. so, so pretty!

    this year, we got the best of both worlds--Canada and snow for Christmas, then home to 60 degree weather in Ohio!


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