Monday, March 14, 2011

The Bebe Guessing Game

As my due date gets closer, now is the time to cast your votes on the baby's stats! We have decided on a name, but are keeping it a surprise until little one's arrival. But, here is a hint: his initials will be D. A. (just like his daddy's and big brother's initials).So take a guess!

Baby's Name:
Date & Time of Birth:
Anything fun that you would like to add:

Good luck...! = )


  1. i am never good at this, but i will try anyhow!

    Baby's Name: Niko (trying to think of something that goes with dmitri!)
    Date & Time of Birth: April April 2, 2011
    Weight: 7 lb 1 oz
    Length:19.25 inches
    Anything fun that you would like to add: good luck!!!

  2. Baby's Name: Damien Asher
    Date & Time of Birth: 3/17/11 at 3:17AM
    Weight: 6 lbs 11 oz.
    Length: 20.5
    Anything fun that you would like to add: St. Patrick's Day is the luckest day of the year. I wish you the best of luck in your labor with D.A. I hope your birth plan goes just as written.

  3. Baby's Name: Dominic Amatus (haha! You know I’m just kidding!)
    Date & Time of Birth: Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 4:34am
    Weight: 7 pounds 2 ounces
    Length: 22 inches
    Anything fun that you would like to add: The best homebirth ever!

  4. How fun! And how wrong I will be, but here goes:

    Donovan Adam
    7 lb, 5 oz
    20 inches

    Just for fun: I bet this birth will be half as long as Dmitri's and you will do great!

  5. Baby's Name: David Andrew
    Date & Time of Birth: April 5 2011
    Weight: 71b 2 oz
    Length: 19.75 inches
    good luck and i hope april 5 b/c we would share the same b-day miss you guys

  6. Name: Dominic Asher
    Date & Time of Birth: April 2 2011, 4:35am
    Weight: 7 lb, 5 oz
    Length: 19 inches
    You'll do amazing!

  7. How fun that a new little guy is making his appearance soon!

    My guess is...
    Name: Devon Andrew
    Weight: 7# right on the dot
    Time: noon
    Date: March 25, 2011

    Best of luck & well wishes to you, a safe & healthy delivery too!

  8. Name: Desmond Alder
    Date: 3/27/11 5:15am
    Weight: 6lb 4oz
    Length: 19.5 inches
    Something fun: I bet he is going to be so adorable, just like his brother. I can't wait to see pictures and hear how the home birth went.

    Good Luck!

  9. Name: Dominick?!!
    I can't really guess the other things, as I don't know the dimensions that babies come in! I do hope he's healthy though :)

  10. Ok, here is goes
    Name: Donovan Andrew
    Date and Time: march 18 (only cause that is my daughters bday) 2:34 pm
    Weight: 7 lbs 3oz
    Length: 20 in

    I truly hope and pray that all goes well for you and your family! What a wonderful blessing!

  11. How Fun!!

    Baby Name: Dion Andre (Although, I thought everyone else came really close to a name you may choose! So I stepped out of the box a bit more)
    Date & Time of Birth: March 27th at 11:34pm
    Weight: 7 lbs.
    Length: 19 inches
    Looking forward to the final results!!

  12. Athens, GA... What a GREAT place!!! I lived there once upon a time when my then-wife was an MBA student there at UGA...

    Found your blog somehow... saw the Athens reference and wanted to say "hi"...



  13. My original guess was Damian...but that's used a I will choose another:

    Name: Dax Alden....I'm sure I'm way off haha

    Date & Time: 4/2/11 at 10:20 pm
    Weight: 7 lb 4 oz
    Length: 20in
    Good luck!!!

  14. I don't know a thing about guessing weights or heaights, but I say his name is Deacon Atticus.

    He'll be born soon! ; )

  15. Darn Adorable?
    Delightful Addition?
    Darling Angel?

  16. Dante Armand
    3/24 around 3:30 pm
    6 lbs 13 oz
    19 3/4" long

    wouldn't you be surprised if it was a girl..haha

  17. I've sat here for entirely too long and thought about this post, and my mind is blank with name/stats stuff. I'm hoping it's my insomniac preggo brain at work! I just wanted to say best of luck to you with your home birth!! I hope everything goes great!!

  18. Darien Allan
    March 29th 1:15am
    7lbs 6ozs

    Can't wait to hear all about it!

  19. Baby's Name: Darian Alexei

    Date & Time of Birth: March 25 (my birthday!) at 5:21pm

    Weight: 6lbs 1oz

    Length: 20 in

    Anything fun that you would like to add: Good luck! You'll do wonderfully :) It'll be a great birth!


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