Monday, March 7, 2011

Final Preparations for Baby and The Home Birth Supply List

We are making headway on the final preparations for baby # 2's arrival. It's a good thing too, since technically, he could be here any day (although I'm not planning on him arriving for a few more weeks!) We've stocked up the pantry, fridge, and freezer, as well as our cleaning supply closet and things like toilet paper:

Dmitri loves to play with the cereal boxes in the pantry.

And we've been cleaning like crazy. Although, it seems that we have a little elf who likes to undo our cleaning as we go. We've had to re-arrange some furniture to prepare for the baby's arrival. We moved our queen size bed into Dmitri's room, and then changed our minds and moved it back into the guest room, which is serving as the "birth room." We will also be setting up a labor/birth pool in there.

Having a home birth requires a bit more preparation than merely pre-registering at the hospital and getting there once labor is underway. It can be a little overwhelming, but it's also a lot of fun to be more involved and prepare for the birth. Luckily, my midwife made it easy for me by giving me a very detailed list of supplies that I need to assemble before my home visit (which is this week!) Here is what that list looks like, just in case you are curious!


-A pre-assembled birth kit from (this has a lot of the medical supplies in it)

For Mom & Baby:
-2 Sets of clean sheets
-8 bath towels
-Clean night gown
-Socks for mom
-Baby's 1st oufit
-Newborn diapers
-Receiving blankets

-Two roles of paper towels
-1 box of 13 gal. trashbags
-4 -30 gal. trashbags
-3 painters drop cloths
-2 lg. bowls
-1 flashlight
-Overnight pads
-Lysol Wipes
-Toilet paper
-1 lg. bottle of Floradix Iron Plus Herbs
-small bottle of Olive Oil
-1 package baby wipes
-1 bottle of rubbing alcohol
-Ample heat in birth room
-Car with gas tank at least 1/2 full

Food and Drink
-Light food: yogurt, eggs, toast, frozen grapes, broth, honey, etc.
-2 qt. clear juice
-Quick meals/snacks, coffee, and half/half
-Emergen-C Packs

Ice Options:
-Lots of ice cubes and cold packs
-Ziplocs with crushed ice or gel packs (I made my own "gel packs" by filling freezer bags with water and a little alcohol)

Water birth:
-Inflation pump
-Floating thermometer
-Sink adapter
-Large pots for heating water
-Small fishnet
-Pool liner

I almost have everything together; I just need to pick up a few more things! = ) It's hard to believe it's almost here; this pregnancy has gone by so quickly. I think being due in the middle of a school semester plus having an active toddler has had a big influence on that. Life isn't slowing down at all for this baby. I'm just hoping that he'll hang in there until after midterms, and then it should be coasting from there.

Of course, there is always an infinite list of things that I would "like" to accomplish before the baby arrives. But I'm having to let go, de-stress, and view any extras as icing on the cake; because really, the baby doesn't care if there are curtains hanging in every room. (There is a hint as to what projects are coming up!)


  1. I love that youre sharing about home birthing... there are so many misconceptions, and it opens peoples eyes that it's okay, and you don't have to have your baby in a hospital!

    I hope your little one hangs in there until after your midterms! :)

  2. this is going to be so interesting to read about. the list alone scares me. you are so brave and i admire you so much.


  3. What and amazing and wonderful time this is for you! It looks like you are completely prepared for the big day. Blessings.

  4. OH man, I'm sooo excited for you! Can't wait for a birth story!

  5. Good luck with those final preparations!

  6. This is so amazing! I have never had the option for this as I was high risk for things but I am enjoying your journey and so happy that you so involved in your birthing. I am also a big baby. :) What a wonderful experience and take care of you and rest before the big day! My daughters bday is March 18, March is a great month for new babies! :)

  7. So exciting! We just signed a contract with our midwife last week, so it's nice to get a glimpse into what our home birth supply list may look like ;)

    Fingers crossed Baby decides to wait until AFTER midterms to make an appearance!

  8. I'm glad you're taking the time to de-stress! I'm sure being stressed wouldn't help with the labour... could it make Baby come faster, I wonder?

  9. YAY FOR HOMEBIRTHS!! I wanted to have one with number one and am planning on staying home until pushing time with this one. It'd be nice if I could just have her at home though. Is this your entire list? I'd like to stock up since I might have her at home on accident!

  10. the comment about the list alone being scary is too funny-at least it makes you very prepared! i bet listing all those things makes it "real"...

  11. wow you are so brave! Good luck, I hope you get everything done that you want to:)

  12. I too just purchased everything this past weekend for our home birth! It's feeling very real and we are excited to be welcoming our new little one as I'm sure you all are as well! Look forward to pictures of your baby!

  13. I saw a link to you on another blog and decided that I was going to add you to my reader list, based on the blog name alone. I've been trying to cut down my reading list but after reading your "about me", there was no way I could pass you up. I fell in love!

    High five on deciding to go with a home birth! My husband claims we are done having children, but if I can talk him into another one, it's the way I want to go!


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