Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Project That Never Ends...

Yes, it goes on and on my friends...

Re-upholstering my sofa, that is. I am almost embarrassed to say when I started this insane project. (And did I mention that I have zero re-upholstery experience and knowledge? I thought circular needles were for stitching people up, not sofas.) But yes, the beginning takes us back to the week before Thanksgiving. (Stupid, stupid, timing to rip a sofa apart. Especially if hosting the Thanksgiving meal for your in-laws for the first time). It's been five months. And that's as long as I don't count from the procuring of the sofa, which would be, gulp, a year ago.

This project goes in waves of excitement, determination, and pure DIY-will power. Quickly followed by frustration and repeatedly kicking the darn thing, which settles into a stage of ignoring it's existence. I then take a look at those pretty little white feet on it, and fall in love all over again. And we've got a life cycle.

But as I frequently mutter unconvincingly to myself, it will all be worth it in the end. I hope. At the very least, I will have learned something, surely. Even if it's just along the lines of, never start a major project before the holidays or while 5 months pregnant, or when you don't know what the heck you are doing.

Here is the sofa as it stands today:

 In Progress

 Damon is there for moral support. (And I couldn't move a sleeping newborn just for a crappy photo!)

 DIY Baby

Pure Sweetness

So I'm stapling and sewing away. And maybe in another five months or so, I will have it finished! (Ok, really hoping before then.) 

Have you ever started a project that has taken forever to finish? Or have you been over your head or chosen crazy timing to delve into a massive undertaking?


  1. Looks like you have a diy-er in training :) AND yes, I have a project that has taken forever too only mine is a chair. The hardest part has been removing the old upholstery. Yuck!


  2. 1. I had forgotten about the song that never ends...and now it will be in my head all day.

    2. Yes, i only seem to be able to take on projects when they are A. over my head and/or B. started at a bad time.

  3.'ll get it done eventually!! I have faith!! What you've done so far looks really good! :-) Good luck!

  4. I feel you! We have a table that we've been working on slowly since January. It's been one wrong move after another. We wanted to sand it all down, our hands hurt so we switched to a stripper, but the stripper messed up the wood, so we painted the base, then the danish oil made the top go orange, and we're still trying to fix that. I get very bitter with that damn table!!!

  5. Oh my gosh, he's so cute! I think as long as you just keep a cute baby on the couch it will look great :)

  6. Me too. This lovely buffet my mother bought me at a yard sale has been a thorn in my flesh.

    Maybe if you think of it as a metaphor, it won't feel so daunting?

  7. I commend your for doing it and it will look beautiful! I would have given up but with moral support like that I think that you will get it done soon. :) He is so sweet. :)I looks great so far my dear.

  8. Sofa is perfect!! No need to redo when you have a supercute sleeping baby on it, that makes the sofa look great.
    Yes, I always take on more than I can do. Then when it is finished, I secretly say to myself, well if I want to change it I now know how. (I did this with a pair of bedroom chairs, did one and then the other one sat halfway done for 6 months, so finally I just took 5 days and finished, (now, I am not pregnant and don't have a cute small baby....)
    Take it slow, it will get there.
    No rushing.

    Can't wait to see it finished.

  9. This isn't the first horror story I've heard about reupholstering furniture, but I must say I admire your determination! I'm sure it will look fantastic when it's all done. On the other hand, Damon is adorable! :)

  10. I feel like every project takes me forever to complete and I always have a list of a 100 other things I want to do. I don't know if there really is good timing. With four kids, my house is constantly busy!


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