Monday, May 16, 2011

Sofa Sneak Peak

The project that never ends, might be getting closer to the finish line...

The sofa that I am re-upholstering is officially covered in fabric!

Now I just have lots and lots of piping to sew, and cushion covers to make. I'm pulling out the Singer..Hopefully this feeling of accomplishment will inspire me to finish it. With any luck, after photos will be coming soon! 


  1. What a great project.

  2. Wow! It seems like such a daunting task that I just can't imagine recovering a sofa! I might take on a chair but nothing big. You are way braver than me! Looks awesome so far. :) Chris

  3. it is looking great and i love the fabric you chose!

    p.s. i also love your new picture with you and your boys! :) so pretty!

  4. Can't wait to see the finished project! I'm sure it'll look fabulous:)

  5. That rich brown is the perfect balance to the blues. You have such an eye!

  6. It is really coming along Caroline, it looks beautiful!
    Love the new picture of you and the boys as well, just adorable. :)

    Good luck on the piping and covers! :)

  7. Lookin' good! We have a chair that really needs to be recovered but after hearing about your couch... I may put that off a while!
    Love your new photo of you and the boys!

  8. that looks so good! you have some major skill, lady!

  9. Looking good! I am recovering my couch too - not really loving the proecess too much.

  10. Oh yay!! It's coming together so nicely...I'm super impressed!

    Love the updated picture too of you and your boys...all three of you look fabulous!!!

  11. Love the lines of that sofa! I can't wait to see it finished. Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Ooh, a sneak preview! You're well on your way, it's looking great!


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