Monday, June 13, 2011

What's In Your Fridge? Celebrity Blog Series

As bloggers, we get to glance into each other's lives, families, and homes. And now, you get to take a look into some of my favorite blogger's refrigerators during the blog series:

Who knows what we might find lurking in the depths of their fridge shelves...So stay tuned this week to see inside the refrigerators of:

Emerald Cove
Under the Table and Dreaming
Jeremy & Kathleen
Full House

And get your refrigerators ready for the Fridge Reveal Link Party at the end of the series!

You might notice that things look a little different around here. Thanks to With Two Cats  for the blog lift!


  1. I'm loving your new blog lift!

  2. Ooh, I love the blog redesign! It looks awesome!

  3. How funny! Love it. the new design looks great!

  4. I can't wait to see!
    I love the new design too, very cool!

    Thank you for you sweet words about my dog and my son. He is feeling better and we are doing ok.
    Hugs to you!

  5. The blog looks great!!! Love it!

  6. Awesome blog redesign! I especially love the tabs along the side, too cute!
    And I can't even imagine if I had to show my is NOT pretty. :)


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