David's classes:
-Advanced Modern Chemistry (Chem 1411)
- Advanced Chem Lab (Chem 1411L)
- Precalculus (Math 1113)
- World Literature I (CMLT 2111)
- Logic and Critical Thinking (Phil 1500)
- Introduction to Ethics (Phil 2200)
Caroline's classes:
- Intro to Women's Studies (WMST 2010)
- Advanced Modern Chemistry (Chem 1411)
- Advanced Chem Lab (Chem 1411L)
- Calculus I (Math 2200)
-Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants (Anthropology/Plant Biology 3440)
3 DIY Recipes for Radiant Skin
31 minutes ago
That's quite a load of classes. I don't envy your work load.
Your class schedule makes me feel like a wimp. O.o
Good luck!
You two are brainy-acks! Take the high ground.
Love you,
Mom and Dad
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