Thursday night is "guy night" for David. He goes out with his friends and does typical "guy" going to debate societies and talking about philosophy. The joke is that I stay home and bake a dessert for myself (because what else would I do when left at home with Dmitri for several hours). When they arrive back at our place later in the evening, I let them have the "leftovers." It's a pretty good set up, since I only need about half of a batch of cookies for my 98 lb. self.(David says I have a 400 lb. soul)
Tonight I made brownies and watched Youtube videos. It all started with watching a tiger nurse piglets, and the next thing you know, I'm watching an elephant birth. (You know you want to look it up.) It was crazy, on so many different levels.
Firstly, it was awe-striking. Completely unbelievable to watch, as most birth is. It was also really loud, and their was a lot of popping and gushing.
Secondly, mamas who want a natural birth can take a lot of notes from an elephant. She is calm, she is upright, she is swaying her hips back and forth and walking around. She acts as if birth is normal (because it is!)
Thirdly, she kicked her baby around after it was born. Ok, don't take note on that one.
Dmitri thought the video was crazy. ( I'm doing my best to make sure he knows birth is natural and normal! I think he's off to a good start.) Go ahead and call child services on me.
All in all, a great night.
And check out that video! (Here is the link)
Pancakes That Taste Like Blintzes
1 hour ago
I wanted to kick YOU after about a minute into that video! But by the end of it I was almost in tears, it was so incredible. :)
oh my gosh! thanks..the image is not in my head forever! lol..great post..lulu
I want to let you know that I have a BIG give-a-way starting on Sunday and it will be really fun. I am calling it SPREADING THE LOVE--cuz I love my FOLLOWERS. There are lots of gifts, from really cool vendors. Each week there will be SEVERAL winners--that is right it will be going on all month long. So you can come back each week and leave me a comment, to put your name in.
You don't have to have a blog--you can e-mail me to enter your name.
Followers get their name in once and if you have my button on your side bar your name will go in 5 more times.
If you can double check your READER to see if you are getting my posts I would really appreciate it--for some reason Google has picked on me since the start of my blog and I always end up having them not post every few weeks.
i'm scared to look it up. also. i just happen to love the whole idea of the epidural. and the laying down.
Hi Caroline!
Thanks for the encouragement and vote of confidence on the Huggies diapers. We've stocked up with 4 different brands to see what we like best.
All free from our baby shower and then we're on our own with diaper buying! :)
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