Monday, February 15, 2010

Lovey Dovey

There are a lot of cynics who make sarcastic comments about "true love," romance, and all the lovey dovey B.S. that is spread around this time of February. I am generally one of them. I know a lot of people hate Valentine's Day. And honestly, I'm not a big fan of it because it overshadows my birthday. Uh, what were you thinking St. Valentine?

But, nonetheless, I have to be honest. I am madly in love with my darling husband. He's my best friend, and while we are far from perfect, I enjoy every minute of our lives together.

So here are a few photos of us together...gag if you must, but they are some of the happiest moments of my life.

Saying our vows
Our foot washing ceremony

Washing his feet
The kiss 

The Mad-Hatter Cake (one of our favorite parts of the entire wedding!)

And as for Valentine's Day? We got take out from our favorite Athens restaurant, and had a picnic in "our house." Yes, we were squatters for Valentine's Day. I sent him on a scavenger hunt through the house to find a French dictionary and maps of Paris. Unfortunately, no plane tickets were involved. David got me a pretty card, which just happened to be the same card I got him last year..and he didn't remember. At least we have the same taste?

I linked up at Pixel Perfect!


  1. I LOVE when people do the washing of the feet ceremony! Your wedding was beautiful!! Thank you for sharing!

  2. What beautiful pics of your wedding. Love the cake :) Is Vday your bday? Happy Birthday!

  3. The wedding pictures are gorgeous! You two make such a lovely couple. LOVE the cake too =)

  4. That cake was awesome!! I think it's so funny that he got you the same card! That's hilarious! Glad you had a wonderful day!!

  5. The pictures are beautiful! Absolutely beautiful. I love the fact that you washed one another's feet as part of your union. And the cake, wow! Awesome!

    Scavenger hunts are so much fun. We do them too, although, these days we have three extra little "hunters".

    Sounds like you had a lovely Valentine's Day. :0)

  6. How romantic! I love that. What a great idea. I didn't even know about it. thanks for sharing your beautiful wedding photos! ~lulu

  7. I absolutely love mad hatter cakes!

  8. Gorgeous pictures, and WOW! What a fantastic cake! When exactly is your birthday, was it Sunday? Mine is TOMORROW! Fabulous people were born in February! ;-) (I *love* that you washed each other's feet!!)

  9. Beautiful photos. Nothing wrong with being madly in love with your husband!

  10. How fun is this...i love that cake! Wow! I would love to invite you over to my blog...Screaming Meme...Hope to see you there...Meme

  11. Aww, those pictures are beautiful. And that cake was awesome!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog! :)

  12. great photos... wish you many more years of happiness together! have a nice weekend!

  13. Not sure if John and I ever told you guys this, but you had the most beautiful wedding ceremony that I/we had ever seen. Including the ones on TV.

    And I think the foot washing ceremony was my favorite part. I still tell people about y'all's wedding, you know.


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