It makes me realize that while I was so frustrated over sitting around, waiting, not hearing anything, maybe something bigger and better was in the gestational phase. Instead of a house that we liked, we are getting a dream home that we love. A place to chase children around in orchards, to gather pecans and make pies for their chubby little faces, a front porch for them to sit in our laps and rock, to watch deer frolicking at dusk, and have homeschool lessons under the trees.
For such a time as this...

Post script: We finally heard back that we could not close on House 225 until June 1st...but they still have not submitted the paperwork. I'm glad we aren't waiting on imperfection any longer...
whoo who! great news!
Yay!! LOVE THE TUB!!! :-D
That's great! I can't wait to hear more!
Your description of your dream for this house makes me yearn for my own house! I am so far from this point in my life, but am looking forward to it so much!
I've been MIA for a while really sick. I didn't even realize you were moving into a different house now! I looked at the pictures and I LOVE it! Especially that tub!! It really does seem like a dream! Sean and I live in an early 1930's home and we love it too. There is just something about living in a house with such history. Plus, they don't really make houses as good as they used to anymore! Sean was sanding some of the bathroom cabinets last year and accidently chipped into the wood... it smelled the entire bathroom up with fresh pine! Like it would have smelled when it first got cut! I can't wait to see you move into that house! It is gorgeous!!!
Your (almost) house looks so PERFECT! It is my DREAM to live in a Farmhouse!!! Can't wait to watch as you make it YOURS!
Congrats! The pics below are so beautiful! It looks like a wonderful home! I wish your family many happy memories there!
toilet training tips, you ask!?
my complete refusal to buy one more JUMBO pack of size 5 diapers!!
we had a couple accidents, he realized it doesnt feel good...and bam.
we knew he was ready...
but we were lazy and scared to start before now.
it wasnt all that bad in the end...
good luck!?
Congratulations ... the pictures are beautiful ... I LOVE the breezeway. There is so much potential in that house ... potential for a lifetime family home.
homeschool lessons! hooray!
Congrats...sounds like an awesome house that will be a wonderful HOME for your family!
Isn't it amazing how sometimes waiting means getting something we never even knew was out there and is even better than whatever we were waiting for. So happy the inspection went well.
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