Thursday, March 18, 2010

No News. But Glimmers.

In case you are wondering why March is coming to a close, and I have not mentioned the house, at all. (The Offer, Waiting, More Waiting, The Acceptance, & Still More Waiting) .

That's because, I have no news. (We are "supposed" to close on April 6th, but have been waiting on the paperwork to go through for 5 months. And still, no progress.)

And I'm slightly bitter. But only a little bit.

Because, we might have something even better in the near future...

1901 + 5 fireplaces + pecan orchards + a clawfoot tub = love.

But, I am getting a head of myself. So that's all that I'm going to leave you with.

Hopefully, I will have real news that I can share soon.

And I'm hoping it will involve a place for us to make a home.

But until then...

Waiting & wishing,


  1. That home sounds fabulous! I love the character that older homes have...only not the closet space (or lack thereof)! Claw Foot Tub...heaven! Pecans....heaven! 5 fireplaces....shut up!?!? I hope you get some news soon!

  2. I'm intrigued! Hope you hear something soon!

  3. OO sounds like a dream come true?? :) I cant wait for the time when we start looking for our next home! Im aimin for a farm huge old farm house barn i just cant wait till i can raise all our own animals and grow ALL our own veggies n fruit! Its a wish that one day we will hopefully live out!

  4. aww, Im sorry its taking so long. Once you are in you wont even remember how grueling it was! I cant wait to hear and see all the pics of your beautiful new home :) Also, very covetous about the tub!! ;) xoxo LA

  5. Have my fingers and toes crossed for you lovely x


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