Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First Tomatoes!!

Do you see my first ripe tomatoes!! Aren't they vibrant!

So perfect and beautiful!

I am one proud tomato mama! ; ) Now I'm going to eat them...like a gerbil mama.

I apologize - that was a little creepy.

To see my post about planting my garden click here!


Rachel and John said...

I love a good tomatoe!
I would be proud too.

Sarah @ Dream in Domestic said...

Hahaha!!! Creepy, yet absolutely hilarious! Congratulations on your first tomato - it has to be exciting!

CourtneyKeb said...

Mm mmm

Anonymous said...

We havent any tomatoes yet, but they are trying to come out. I love a garden.

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

Glad to hear that you are enjoying your new home...and happy to hear that the deer head is not going up in your entry way...also love your haircut (you and your husband look like twins!!)

Corinne said...

Yay! Homegrown tomatoes are so delicious!

coolkids said...

nothing better than a home grown tomatoe! Thanks for stopping by today!:)-Betsy

Christina said...

this post made me laugh. i tend to kill everything green and i know i would be delighted to see two little tomatoes on a plant i helped nurture. i hope they were tasty :)