Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ikea Run

I love Ikea.

Who doesn't? 

I've always wondered how to fit an entire apartment into the size of our master bedroom...and I would have never known it were possible if it weren't for the Ikea showroom.

We made an Ikea run last week. It was an "how much money can we spend in under an hour at Ikea" run. Which if you've been, it's nearly impossible to even walk through Ikea in under an hour. We were running through the aisles, grabbing curtains, pillows, duvets, rods, a mattress and flower pots and throwing them in our shopping cart. We made it out alive, and with under $300 spent (success).

But we needed to make a longer trip that didn't involve sweating and heavy breathing as we pummeled through the market. Primarily to get a new sofa!! Goodbye well-loved, but too big for the space and does not match the color scheme, eggplant sofa....and hello clean, white Ektorp...

Yes, I am very excited about getting a new sofa.
Photos coming soon!


  1. Oh, so fun! I can't wait to see it in your living room. I love the crisp white.

  2. I've never been and I'm making my first trip next week. I've been saving my pennies!

  3. I have that same couch in the navy blue!!!! I love it. You won't regret it, I promise.

    And the best part is the covers are washable! About 24 hours after buying ours our new apartment caught fire. We had a lot of fire extinguisher ash and smoke to wash out and it was SO EASY!

  4. I can only go to Ikea knowing that I am going to lose four hours in there. There's just so much to look at!!! So fun!

  5. You're buying a white couch and you have a 1 year old? That's brave? (Although I see a commenter says it washes up easily. But still!)

  6. Why did you have to run around Ikea in under an hour?

  7. who doesn't love this sofa!! everyone seems to give it rave reviews!

  8. Yay for Ikea! I'm going there tonight actually :) Thanks for visiting me today!


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