Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Living Room: Fireplace Update

I LOVE my sisters so much! Life just would not be the same without them. I feel so lucky to have them not only as family, but also as my best friends.

And notice anything else in the photo? 

Yes! A mirror for our very empty fireplace!

I'm definitely not done accesorizing, but I'm happy that it's not completely naked!

Mirror- Hobby Lobby (originally $149.99) On clearance for $51

For more Living Room Before and Afters Check out these posts:


  1. The mirror looks great against the blue wall.

  2. Totally open mouth in love with it! Great job, just love it! That blue and white is stunning!

  3. Love the mirror!! Your fireplace area looks so close to mine- I have a color almost like yours and a gold mirror too. I have to say its a great combo!

  4. Love that mirror! It is fabulous!

  5. Love this! And beautiful pictures of the babe on your fireplace!

  6. What a sweet picture with your sisters! And love the mirror! GREAT DEAL!

  7. I like your fireplace. The combination of white fireplace and blue wall is really wonder.


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