Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Foyer Becomes a Library

Our old bookshelves weren't doing much for us. We have 6 boxes of books that didn't fit on them that were hiding out in Dmitri's room, and Dmitri loved pulling the books off of the bottom shelves. And they looked a little dwarfed in our large foyer. Our foyer, like much of our house, is a large room with a lot of wasted space. So, we decided to utilize it as best as we could, by turning it into a library.

The Before

We bought four Billy bookshelves from Ikea, with extensions. Making each bookshelf over eight feet high, which is perfect for our 11 foot ceilings. It was a little difficult to take a picture, because of the shape of the room. But here you go...I'm pretty much in love.

Two Billy Bookshelves...

The Four Bookshelves lining the Foyer

From the other side....

The size looks a little strange. For reference, that is a larger than standard size door, and the ceiling is 11 feet high!

We still have to bolt them into the walls before we can begin putting books on them. However, one perk of living in a century old home is uneven floors! So, we will be cutting pegs to sit under them to even them out. Hopefully our books will be resting in their new home soon, and I can begin making Dmitri's room a child's dream world.

For more photos of our foyer: check out this post!


KiraAJ said...

Love them :) we have a couple of these book shelves in our house. Cant wait to see more of what u have done to ur gorgeous house! Hows the garden going?

Yuliya said...

I fell for the deer head in the link! Good luck, one of these days I will get around to making my nook a library as well. Can't wait to see your progress!

Carole said...

I love the look of double bookcases! We had 2 seventies-era bookcases side by side when my kiddos were small. We used large l-brackets screwed into the studs to keep them from tipping.

calikas said...

so gorgeous, I love it!

Unknown said...

Niiiice! You can never have too many books, and I like that you found the perfect place and way to display them. Can't wait for the after shots!

Leah said...

A library! No way, totally lovin it! It is going to be amazing, can't wait to see!


Erica Cook said...

Looks awesome! Can't wait to see them post books! I've missed you. :) xo e

Sheena said...

This already looks so cool! Will you take a pic when it's complete so we can see it with all the books and other awesomeness I know you are going to add?


Samantha said...

Great idea.

Anonymous said...

Looks good - cant wait to see more.

Chuck Singletary said...

Looks great.

Gram and Grampa

Val said...

Looks wonderful!!! Great blog......