We decided a while back that it's time we get rid of our Ford Escape. It's been a good vehicle for the past two years, but our needs have changed, so it's time to get a vehicle that will fit us better. I've never sold a car before. I totaled my first car, and I drove my second car until it was dying (and then my dad drove it until it took its last breath a couple months later). Selling a car seems a little overwhelming.
I wasn't sure where to start. So, I took some photos and wrote up a post on Auto Trader. I priced it just above the blue book value that I had looked up several weeks ago. After only 24 hours, I was shocked to have received numerous calls and emails from prospective buyers, as well as dealers. David wanted me to look up the blue book value for a trade-in, so I did. And that is when I realized my error...
I had listed our car $2500 less than the blue book value.
I'm not exactly sure how that happened. Maybe the value went up? Maybe I typed in the wrong vehicle? Maybe I forgot? I have no clue. But on a positive note, I guess I know for sure what business I don't want to go into!

OOPS!! Did you sell it at that price or did you relist it?? Sounds like a mistake I would make too!!
Haha! At least you figured it out BEFORE you sold it! :)
Opps! I'd just take it down, wait a few weeks and then put it back up under your husband's name. Lol.
on the upside, at least you got a number of offers, right?
Ha! Just wait, a major retailer will now come up with a t-shirt that reads "women's studies majors can't do math!"
Oops! Sounds like something I would do!!
We just traded our car in for a minivan... we caved, but we are very happy!
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