I am looking forward to returning to blogging regularly, and I must say, ever since I've started blogging, it is nearly impossible for me to not "think" in blog posts. I am pretty sure that is how I process my entire life at this point.
So what have I been up to the last month or so?
I love every season (ok, except winter), but I especially enjoy Fall. And we have been taking full advantage of some of our favorite fall activities...
Picking pumpkins
At the pumpkin patch
And making a homemade pumpkin pie...or five (and it's just the beginning of November!)
Smores...with homemade marshmallows & graham crackers. (And a bonfire of course!)
Dmitri found an egg!
I love goats.
I would have taken him home with me.
Brushing the goats
Cluck. Cluck
And it's the season for family photos...
It also means that I took graduation photos! But I'll save those for a little while. I do not want to jinx anything...
The cooler weather gave me an excuse for a DIY to hang by the door and catch our coats:
Total Cost: $16 (hooks from Anthropologie, wood and supplies from our scrap pile).
Other random thoughts & happenings:-I am nearly finished with a big project that has been dragging on for nearly a year...and it may or may not start with an "S" and end with cuddling up to read a book under a quilt with my littles on a sofa!
-Graduation. Less than six weeks away.
-Scheming about the holidays...my holiday projects, that is. And trying to figure out how to see our ever-growing sprawled-out family, get some much needed rest, and work on some major DIYs all at the same time.
-We are thoughtfully considering growing our family. By adding some members of the fur and feather variety. More on that as it develops.
What's new with you? I have really missed reading some of my favorite blogs and look forward to catching up with everyone.

Welcome back! I'm happy you took the time for your family...that's so important! :) Love your family pictures! And, those homemade marshmallows look insanely good!
Beautiful pictures!
I was just thinking about how I missed reading your blog ;) sweet family pics! LOVE the one of Damon.
I love your family photo! Christmas card photo I'm guessing? :)
I don't blame you one bit for wanting to spend time with your family, it goes too quickly. Your photos are gorgeous and I can't believe how big they have gotten. Enjoy this time.
I have missed reading your blog! Looks like you have been having fun though!
Welcome back - I haven't blogged recently either. Just wanted to say thanks - after reading your blog about cloth diapers - we are using them.
You have such a beautiful family! I so enjoyed reading about and seeing snapshots of your life lately. You are amazing with all you do!
Family is top priority! You go girl for making that first in your life.
Loving the fabulous pictures:) You are one gorgeous momma! I hope & pray I look as good as you after two kidlets.
Hooray for graduation! You can do it!
Some great photos. Love the baby on daddy's shoulders.
absolutely stunning photos of your family. the one of you with the goat and kids is just breathtaking!
I've been out of the blogging groove, too. When I decided I wanted to stay at home, I decided to make being a mommy my full time job, and really devote my attention there. But, I think in blog posts, too! The boys do something and I start brainstorming post titles, I make lists of blog ideas, and I "draft" posts over and over in my mind at night!
Your family pictures are GORGEOUS!!!
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