Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oh Christmas tree...

 Here is our Christmas tree...

Notice anything a little "off"? (hint: right bottom of the tree..)

Yep, we have an ornament stealer. All reachable ornaments are promptly removed and hoarded for him and the cat. He loves the Christmas tree (and tree is one of his newest words: he runs around the house saying, "tree! tree!"). I'm glad that Dmitri is enjoying the magic of Christmas - even if it messes up the tree a little. ; )


  1. That is so adorable! I love that your Christmas tree is "family friendly". With stolen ornaments and all ... it still looks good =)

  2. looks great. We haven't put ours up b/c I know we will also have an ornament stealer and a very curious little 17 month old boy.:)
    Hope you are feeling good! Stop by today for an adorable hat giveaway!

  3. It's gorgeous! And festive! And at least your little ornament thief is adorable :) I figure this is my last year with low hanging pretties, so I'm going all out!

  4. We use a collection of ornaments from when my husband and I were growing up, plus ones my children have already collected. We have boxes and boxes that don't go up! This year, however, thanks to my 3 yr old and 1 yr old decorating, no ornament was hung above 2 feet from the bottom of the tree. My 3 yr old instantly burst into tears anytime we tried to move her "favorite" ornament (and they are all her favorites!)

  5. cute!!! Enjoy these moments!! Love it!

  6. I foresee lots of plastic and soft cushiony ornaments in your future!

    We have a cat that likes to knock ornaments down. We don't hang any within his reach.

  7. i love the gold with the dark blue walls- gorgeous!!! and i remember when sawyer used to do that. actually one of our dogs used to steal ornaments, too.

  8. What a pretty tree - simple yet elegant! :)

  9. Stunning tree! And my 3 1/2-year-old likes to touch the ornaments, but only the 'sparkly' ones so she can walk around with glitter on her hands! :-D

  10. We had to put a little pen around our Christmas tree because of Olivia, lol. She keeps trying to EAT THE TREE. =X
    We also replaced our regular ornaments with plastic ones and homemade ones, much to the chagrin of my mom (I'm thrilled - I love our ugly family ornaments).


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