Thursday, December 2, 2010

24 weeks pregnant & Allergic to Pregnancy

23 weeks

So here is the shot where I majorly popped out. No mistaking there is a baby there...or maybe it's just a basketball hidden under my shirt? 
I can hardly believe I'm 24 weeks. The baby's heartbeat sounds great and it feels like this baby is going to be another active one- just like his big brother. I have my home birth supply list - which I need to start gathering supplies from. Otherwise I am cruising along, getting bigger, and doing pretty well. Of course I have normal pregnancy complaints: back aches, braxton hicks, my belly doesn't fit inside my winter coat, so it's perpetually cold, heart burn, etc.

Evidently, one pregnancy annoyance - my skin insanely itching - is because I am indeed, allergic to pregnancy. I've always had my suspicions....(and no, I'm not even joking.)

My before baby to-do list (which I will post soon) is feeling more pressing, as I'm realizing that I'm going to be hitting the third trimester at Christmas...seriously? I can hardly believe it.

Happy 24-weeks little baby boy...!


  1. You look the little bump!

  2. How totally exciting....a new baby coming soon! :) *sigh

    I have heard of people getting itchy skin. I will pray you find comfort!

    Peace and Joy,
    Georgiann momma of 6 so far!

  3. You look great! My midwife supplies all my homebirth stuff. You have to buy your own? We are planning a home birth again for #4. Very excited!!

  4. You sure do look like you wear pregnancy well!

    I actually thought about you this morning. I had an OB appointment where they reminded me I'd have to decide about circumcising, which is something I've naively neglected to even THINK about!

    So I've been researching like crazy, and I wondered what your opinion on it was.

    I know it's a personal topic, so if you don't want to email me back about your stand on it, I understand.

    Just trying to find where I stand on it, and it was just funny to have thought about a blog friend in

  5. Please mention your itchy skin to your doctor. I had it with both pregnancies and it turned out that my liver was not functioning properly. I hope yours is just dry itchy skin.

  6. You make me want a baby bump. If only I could have one that looks like yours! (Your husband needs to convince my husband.)

    Itchy skin- I'm told your skin dries out with pregnancy? true or false?

  7. So sweet! And I just realized we are due just weeks apart as I am 22weeks along! I may even have my bambino before u :)

    ps. If the itching bothers you a lot, try Apis Mallifica, it is a homeopathic remedy that is healthy to take during pregnancy & really relieves irritated skin. I only know because this pregnancy of mine has had me especially itching and irritated all over my skin. Of course check with your mid-wife first :)

  8. ps. Oh and you can get it at any natural foods market, such as Whole Foods or Vitamin Cottage. :)

  9. You look great, my friend is 32 weeks today and very allergic... She has been very sick this time non-baby issues. They almost had to take him at 30 weeks.

  10. You look wonderful! One of my friends had the crazy itchiness and rash during her pregnancy. It doesn't sound fun.

  11. You've got such a cute little bump! Well, not exactly little, but you know what I mean. :)
    And I had no idea that you could be allergic to pregnancy. Weird!

  12. You look awesome!! How exciting that it's coming so soon!

  13. cute bump!I just got my homebirth list this week!

  14. Never thought about the belly sticking out of the coat. You need a cape.


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