Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Final Look at 21 Before 21

In April of 2010, I set 21 goals to achieve before my 21st birthday, which is: tomorrow! You can see all of my 21 before 21 posts by clicking here.

Here is the short version:

1. Bake homemade bread
2. Take a sign language class
3. Read a book just for fun
4. Buy a house

5. Reupholster a piece of furniture (in progress)
6. Plant a garden
7. Make cake icing out of avocados
8. Get an internship
9. Write a pros and cons list for future careers

10. Go on a weekend away
11. Perform a random act of kindness
12. Build Dmitri a play kitchen (in progress)
13. Write a love letter
14. Scrapbook from July 2009-July 2010 (in progress)
15. Build a piece of furniture "from scratch"
16. Take a practice GRE test (decided against it)
17. Perfect a whole wheat sugar free cookie recipe
18. Create a budget and follow it
19.Face a fear.
20. Blog about it
21. Start a compost

The Final Tally:

In Progress: 3
Aborted: 1
Unrealistic: 1

All in all, I feel pretty good about it.

As fun as it was to have a vision for the year and goals that I wanted to achieve, this next year I think I'm going to change it up a little bit:

Two Before Twenty-Two

1. Give birth to baby # 2
2. Graduate from college

And there you have it.


  1. What a great list and how wonderful that you completed so many things on it!

    kathleen xx

  2. I'd say you've done very well...you should be so proud of yourself! Congratulations and Happy Birthday!
    I say CELEBRATE!!! :)

  3. Wow. I can't remember doing anything when I was 21.

  4. Congrats on all the things you've accomplished!

  5. Wow! I'd say you should give yourself a pat on the back for sure!! Can't wait to see some photos of the progress on that sofa (hint hint). If anybody can pull of a project like that it's you! Happy Tuesday! (-;

  6. I seriously cannot believe you are only 21!!!!!!!! You did great with your list...I didn't do have at that at age 20! Hope you have a super birthday. Stop by today for an adorable toddler messenger bag giveaway! thecoolkidsblog.com

  7. Glad to see that you got basically everything done! Nice work and Happy early Birthday!

  8. i'm with sarah, you should be incredibly proud of yourself, i am and i barely know you!

    you are a very inspiring person and i say have a wonderful birthday and enjoy yourself, you certainly deserve it.


  9. Congratulations on accomplishing so many of your goals. Happy Birthday tomorrow. Have a great one!

  10. Good for you!! And reupholstering a piece of furniture is WAY more hardcore difficult than it sounds. The measuring is the easiest part, and then it all goes down hill from there, haha!!

    Happy Birthday!

  11. Awesome job on your list!! Happy birthday =)

  12. Hahaha...I LOVE the 22nd goals!! Very realistic and very impressive at the same time!

    Great job on your 21 goals...that's a lot of work!! Happy 21st tomorrow.

    And I loved your realistic Vday post :-). So fun to read!

  13. rock on! that's a fantastic list, with a great % completed. inspiring!

  14. Great job girl! And an early happy birthday to you!

  15. Way to go! You should feel great about everything you have accomplished and celebrate tomorrow!!!

  16. I have been following your blog for awhile & I don't think I've ever commented. Well here I go... What an awesome accomplishment to have done so much in a year.

    You should feel every bit entitled to go & enjoy your birthday!!

  17. Great job! I've been meaning to make my list for a while and you motivated me to finish it FINALLY. I just published it on my blog and I hope this helps hold me accountable and keep me focused! I linked to your list.


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