I love decorating. It's my outlet, and I really put a lot of thought, effort and all of my creativity into it. But, things are not that important to me. Sure I get excited over a new rug, or the perfect lamp, or a gorgeous pillow. But the reality is I keep it in perspective. It's temporal. I want my house to be lived in, not stared at. I want my kids to feel at home, not like they are at a museum.
When something breaks, or get's messed up, I just say, "oh well, it was just a thing."
And that's how I keep my sanity.
Dmitri has been on a breaking streak lately. I try to avoid plastic, and so if he get's a hold of a plate, coffee mug, or glass, it is usually shattered pretty quickly.
Does anyone have any recommendations for break-resistant dishes or maybe just some heavy duty ones?
At this rate, we might not have anymore dishes to eat off of....
The best themepark
14 hours ago
hmmm.... there are lots of great melamine dishes out there. also, my mom always had corelle dishes when i was growing up for their break resistancy. i don't know if they have any modern or great patterns available, but you may want to check into that. good luck!
I do not have any suggestions for unbreakable dishes other than Corelle. I think they sell them at Target. My strategy is to buy tons of extra dishes! And remember, this too shall pass (and you'll be sad when it does!)
Try the corelle dishes. They have some very pretty ones. I use the stock china dishes at Pier 1. If one gets broken I can go and replace that one and not have to buy a whole set. They do seem to be pretty sturdy too. I am a bad one for dropping things.
your calmness is so great! I hope to be like that when I'm a mommy!
This isn't the most stylish option... but when we had three little boys under 2.5 we were in the same predicament for several years.
I went to a thrift store (Goodwill) and found a huge stack of former restaurant dishes. They had some wear (scratches, not chips) so I knew they had been through a lot and still held up beautifully. I bought 30 for three dollars and we still have about twenty.
At that price, I was comfortable giving away plates of cookies and such and not needing the plate back so I think that is where the other ten went.
It has also been great for birthday parties and reading groups at our house as I always have enough plates.
Good luck with whatever you choose.
Thrifting is a good idea, and I know that the Dollar store has some $1 plates too that aren't necessarily plastic. I would, however, recommend Corelle Ware. They've got it so that it doesn't shatter, just breaks or cracks off in larger chunks! Good luck with Mr. Dimitri Distructor!
new to your blog! love it. (and it seems our sons share birthdays, although mine turned four this year.)
i also try to avoid plastic and try to share the same philosophy, but certainly fail sometimes. i second both corelle and goodwill dishes. saucers/salad plates make great kids plates and at $.39 each, so harm if broken, although ours have stood up to many wood floor drops.
I would get some melamine dishes in swanky colours. You can always use them later for picknicks and dinners on the deck.
I'm right there with you. If it's in my house it must be either 1) easy and cheap to replace (IKEA), or 2) super durable enough to withstand jumping, fort making, spills, etc. RIght now we have the washable plastic plates, LOL but will be getting corelle once I find one I like.
Pampered Chef has a very good line of cookware and eatery. I own several pieces and have dropped them several times. However, I do not have ceramic tile on my floors which may not hold up. Good Luck~
Corelle are the best dishes! We have used them my entire life and I have never broken one! They are also pretty cheap and come in lots of patterns and styles, and they are lightweight! As for glassware... I have no ideas. I break glasses like crazy! Good luck! LOVE YOUR HOUSE!
I got a whole set of Fiestaware dishes for Christmas a few years ago. I have always used ceramic dishes because I like the weight, but I always ended up chipping the edges or breaking them. I thought it wouldn't be a big deal with Fiesta since you can always get a replacement (I just use new ones, not vintage). To my surprise, I have not chipped or broken a single one! They have been the best quality set of dishes I have ever used. Since they come in so many different colors you can match to your decor, or stick with plain white.
I'm glad you posted this so I can look through the comments! Maddy breaks all kinds of glass too!
i would suggest bamboo...eco-friendly and lasts forever if you get some bamboo oil to moisturize every once in awhile...plus dishwasher safe!
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