I fell in love with several beautiful hand-crafted Waldorf dolls that I've seen from many talented crafters. I liked that they were soft, simple, made from natural material, had beautiful hair, and had simple faces for imaginative play. However, spending hundreds on a doll was just not an option for us. Not that they aren't worth every penny - I do not think any Waldorf doll makers are asking unreasonable amounts for the work and love that they put into their creations. But, just not financially feasible for us. In addition, I loved the idea of making one for each of my children - both for play, and as a special keepsake from their childhood.
So here are the details for those interested in crafting their own Waldorf doll. I've never made anything like this before - I just have basic sewing knowledge, so don't be afraid to give it a try! I used a mixture of machine sewing (using a zigzag stitch) and hand-sewing (I re-inforced everything that I hand sewed by stitching it twice). Other than a needle and thread, no special tools are needed. However, I would recommend purchasing a doll making needle (sold by A Child's Dream), which is not very expensive.
Total Cost: $40
Total Time: around 20-25 hours +/-
Tutorial: Doing Without: Waldorf Doll Tutorial
Hair Tutorial: Crafty Sheep: Waldorf Doll Hair Tutorial
Yarn for hair: Main Street Yarns and Fiber - Watkinsville, GA
Skin cloth: A Child's Dream Come True
Stockinette: A Child's Dream Come True
Cheek Color: A Child's Dream Come True
Thread: A Child's Dream Come True
And now, she needs some clothes....

Thanks so much for the links! Your doll came out wonderfully and I hope to make one for Phoebe one day as well!!
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