Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pages and Pages.

I have been spending the majority of my days reading. I love reading, and I wish that I had  made more time for it. But, the reality is that I don't read much outside of my required reading, and even then I don't always get that done. At least I enjoy it. But, it means that I haven't washed the dishes in four or five days, our place looks like a bomb shelter, and you can just forget laundry. Can't have it all, right?

I'm currently reading....

A few of my favorites are...

What are your favorite books? Are there any that I should add to my summer reading list?


barbie said...

I like educational books so my favorites are:

Slouching towards Gomorrah by Robert Bork

My Grandfathers Son by Clarence Thomas

Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon

Three to get Married by Fulton Sheen

Unknown said...

I am on a personal mission to get my friends to read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time. Long title, great book! Its about a boy with autism. Since my work involves kids with special needs, I am especially fond of it. If you get a chance, you should read it.

Vanessa said...

I read chick lit. I just like fun, easy reads that I can burn through quickly. Lately I've been reading Jane Green, thanks to a suggestion from another blogger -- they aren't *quite* as flippant as some others. I also love Jennifer Wiener, she's definitely a smart, fun writer!

Anna said...

I LOVE Caramelo. Even better in Spanish. Excellent choices, dear.

Anonymous said...

~Eat Cake...that was a fairly good book. It was inspiring and imaginative.
~The Visitation is literally my favorite book of all time.
~The Glass Lake by Maeve Binchy. Tom Feathery by Maeve Binchy. The Return Journey by Maeve Binchy. Nights of Rain and Stars by Maeve Binchy. Quentins by Maeve Binchy. Do you see a pattern here?

Cindy said...

Ok so The Giver is one of my FAVORITE books. If you read it then next you have to read Gathering Blue and then thirdly The Messenger. Lowry doesn't consider them a trilogy but the chatacters in The Giver and Gathering Blue both show up in The Messenger. You need to read them in that order. They are all so wonderful. When you start reading them tell me what you think.