Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy Anniversary,

This is a candid shot where the ceremony took place.

Three years ago I married my best friend. Our exit song was, "It's The End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine)"....I don't think we had any clue how true that would be. Three years, a house, a dog, two boys, and a cat later...and we still love each other.


Clandestine Road said...

Happy anniversary, Caroline and David! Here's to ninety-three more.

michelle said...

Happy Anniversary! You are gorgeous my dear! Here are to many many more years of the wonderful and unexpected!

Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse said...

Happy Anniversary. Lovely photo!

Mandi Miller said...

Awww! Happy Anniversary!!

JPeaslee said...

Happy anniversary, you two! I miss you both quite a lot...and your wedding is still the most beautiful I've ever had the privilege to witness.

Cate @ Liberal Simplicity said...

Happy anniversary!!

Mama Gone Green said...

So sweet... Happy Anniversary!!

Mary Nevin said...

stunning photo!! happy anniversary!! :)

Adriana said...

Awe, congrats! Happy Anniversary!

Samantha said...


Hey, I like your new look.

annabelvita said...

Such a beautiful photo! Happy aniversary.

Stephanie said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! Hope you guys had a great day!

Willo said...


erinvechols said...

My husband and I were married on the 26th and also ended the ceremony with "I Feel Fine"


Laura said...
