While many people are choosing words to describe their year, I must say that this year was an Ecclesiastes 3 year for our family.
We celebrated new life.
We mourned a life that was taken too soon.
We have been blessed.
And taken away from.
There have been a lot of laughter, and many, many tears.
A lot of the year, I have felt very lost.
Many, many times I have held tightly to the words, "It is well, with my soul."
I am fearful of letting go of all that this year has been, but anxious for new beginnings. The most painful times push us to grow the most, and that has been 2013 for me.
Today, I feel more confident in who I am and what I want that I have ever been before. I know that I am enough. Here's to 2014. Please be easier than last year.
It would not be a New Year's post without some lists! (My favorite.)
Looking back at last year, I set the following goals for 2013:
1. Read more!
My goal was 13 books - I think I read 5. An improvement that could still be improved upon.
2. Finish an unfinished project.
Yes. I finished a project of two, I am sure.
3. Knit a hat
I knit several hats! And I am no longer intimidated by knitting in the round. Accomplishment!
4. Practice photography
I have had over 12 photoshoots this year with people other than my family AND I have built a portfolio and website. I'm so excited to launch it.
5. Decide on/invent a "homeschool" preschool plan for the year.
I decided to use Sonlight and I talk about that here. I am getting ready to revamp for the New Year and will be getting ready to start Kindergarten with Dmitri this year! Wow.
Of course, I had a baby (hooray for Eleanor). David started his Ph.D, which is like a fourth child in itself.
In 2014, I hope to:
1. Sleep more.
2. Build my photography business.
3. Choose contentment.
4. Love myself and others more.
5. Write.
What are your goals for the new year?
I'm happy to see you blogging again! I haven't commented much here, but your blog was actually my gateway to the blogging world - when we moved into our house a year and a half ago and I was Googling for ideas, I found you and have loved reading ever since.
My own goals for 2014: finally learn to ride a bike; finish my MFA; get even better at meal planning good homemade healthy meals
Happy new year!
I love your goals- very similar to mine, especially about choosing contentment. So important and necessary
wishing you a wonderful 2014!!
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