We have survived a full week of classes. Our schedules are exhausting, though we are enjoying our classes immensely.
Russian 3300
Introduction to Russian Cinema
A survey of the major periods, genres, and directors of the extensive Russian and Soviet cinematographic heritage, with particular attention to the immediate influence of historical, political, and cultural developments.
Russian 1002 (4 hours)
Introduction to Russian 2
A continuation of Russian 1.
Comparative Literature 3140
Women Writers
World literature represented by women writers from the seventh century B.C. through the seventeenth century A.D.
Religion 1001
Introduction to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and background religions, such as those of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
French 1002 (4 hours)
Introduction to French 2
A continuation of French 1.
Philosophy 1000
Introduction to Philosophy
A critical exploration of such topics as knowledge and belief, God and the problem of evil, freedom and determinism, the right and the good, language and meaning, mind and body, appearance and reality, and man and the world.
Comparative Literature 2400
Asian-American Literature
Works of literature by Asian-American writers, including works written in English and translations of works originally written in Asian languages.
English 4290
Topics in Medieval Literature
A special topic not otherwise offered in the English curriculum. This semester is the topic is Heresy.
We each tried to balance our workload with classes of differing difficulty levels. We are both incredibly busy with homework, as well as working 25+ hours a week. It appears our social life is going to be non-existent this semester.
But, we are hopeful and perservering.
Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before. ~Jacob A. Riis
I am 16 weeks pregnant, and feeling better than I did the first trimester, though I'm finding it increasingly difficult to sit at a desk. = / We find out whether we are having a boy or a girl in four weeks (on my birthday)! We can't wait!
Ana is a 60 lb. bundle of pure muscle. We love her and couldn't imagine our family without her! She's still sleeping in our bed, though she has begun asserting her independence a little more by venturing out onto the couch to sleep by herself for stints of the night.
When I have any major news, or relevant thought or inspiration, I will post again!
Saved by the Frenchman and his hammer
9 hours ago
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