It's been over three months since Dmitri's birth, and while I wouldn't exactly call our lives "normal," they are moving along nonetheless.
- As I previously posted, we have been trying to raise support for a six month trip to Israel. As of right now, we are backing off of that plan primarily due to financial reasons. I suspect the economy does not help this situation. However, we are still hoping to go to Israel both to help in the refugee camps and to see our little nephew (and brother and sister-in-law!). We might possibly make a trip this summer, but that is not solidified.
- Since we are not moving to Israel in January, this means we have to find a place to live...(pictures many cardboard boxes stacked elaborately in downtown Athens...painted funky colors, of course.) We are looking at houses, both to rent or buy. Who knows where we will end up! But, I am excited for a new place to make our own, and hopefully a little more room.
-What am I doing? One might ask...
Other than taking care of a teething three-month-old, I have quite a few things on my kitchen table (where I keep my projects!)
- I keep a very small eBay account running...selling miscellaneous items that I find discounted, as well as clothes and such from my own closet.
- I am designing invitations. I am currently in the process of drafts for two clients. (A mod wedding shower & a wedding invitation) I LOVE this, and hope to pick up more clients in the future!
- I am attending a DOULA certification conference in November. I still have a few more steps to go to complete my certification, and I cannot wait to attend some births!!!
-I am enjoying my two classes that I'm taking this semester. I am in the beginning stages of research for a paper on Women and Polygamy. I'm very excited about this.
So, how is life as a mother? Quite frankly, it's hard. I have good days and bad days. I love Dmitri more than I ever could have imagined. But I definitely have my moments where I wish I could revert back to pre-baby days. Nonetheless, he makes me smile more than cry, so overall I suppose its a good thing. = ) Haha!
I have processed a lot lately: the pregnancy, the birth, my life now. I have dreams. Many things I look forward to...
But for now, I'm trucking along...trying to make the most of life now, while cherishing the past and looking forward to the future!
A blurb about David...
David is AMAZING. He works two jobs, goes to school full-time, is a great dad, a sweet husband, and keeps an adventurous attitude. He fights to hold onto his dreams, and not to sound silly, but he's quite inspirational. When we got married, we said that we would "talk" about "maybe" having kids when I was 28...and here we are, just over a year later with a three month old. How he has evolved!
He was up all night throwing up (flu? = / ) And still went to work at 5:30 AM. He's crazy; but he's strong. (I <3 you!)
Life is tough on both of us. But we are fighting hard.
And now, we are heading into the holidays...
3 DIY Recipes for Radiant Skin
10 minutes ago
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