Thursday, March 24, 2011

Damon August is here...

 Damon August 
March 23rd, 2011
12:04 PM
8 lbs. & 20 3/4 inches

He's here!!! The birth went beautifully and we are so happy to have him earth-side. I look forward to sharing all of the details soon...but now, for a nap.


Cate said...

Congratulations!!!! I love the name. Have a great nap!

Kara said...

Oh Caroline, he's beautiful!! I love the name too! He looks so peaceful and just so adorable. Congratulations!!! Hope you're getting as much rest as possible!

Kerry said...

Awww! Congrats on your gorgeous little man! He's absolutely perfect. Enjoy this time! xo

Kim said...

One word ... Perfect. He's absolutely perfect Caroline! Congratulations ... you did well momma!

A Vintage Vine said...

Congrats....get some rest! He is beautiful!

Anonymous said...


Mandi said...

Congratulations Caroline!! He is precious!!!!!

Leanne said...

Oh, he's beautiful! Congratulations to all of you.

Tanya from Dans le Lakehouse said...

Amazing news!!

Samantha said...

Oh my. He's beautiful.

CourtneyKeb said...

He's a whole handful of sweet!
Congratulations Caroline, I know you're over the moon right now!!

michelle said...

Oh my gosh he is BEAUTIFUL!! CONGRATS!!!!! I love the name. I am so happy that everything went so well and I can't wait to see more pics! Get some rest and enjoy this new little man!! :)

Cassie Bustamante said...

yay!!!! congrats on a new beautiful baby boy!

the gardener's cottage said...

congratulations pretty lady on the birth of your gorgeous son.

all my best.


The Brick Cottage said...

Congratulations! He is beautiful!

Clandestine Road said...

Wow! Congratulations, Caroline, David, and Dmitri! He's just lovely.

I hope you are recovering and resting well, Caroline. Glad it went beautifully. Congratulations!

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

Lucky you...what a beauty, cherish each and every moment, they grow up too quickly!!

Jessica Brown said...

yay, damon! welcome to the world, little one. congratulations to all of you.

Sarah said...

Congratulations!!! He looks so peaceful. :)

Polly said...

Congratulations! Glad the lil guy made an apperance and loving the name! :)

Adriana said...

Congrats, he's gorgeous!

Sarah said...

Congratulations!! What a great name.. Damon! I really like it!! Can't wait to hear how everything went!

calikas said...

ahhhhhhh! I got so excited when I saw this post. Congrats, he is so so beautiful! and I LOVE the name.

Unknown said...

Oh my, Caroline, he is PERFECT. Congratulations! Hope the mama, daddy, and big brother are doing well!!
Can't wait to hear the birth story!

Emily said...

Congratulations! He's precious!!

the girl in the red shoes said...

Congratulations! He is adorable!

Maggie May said...

Congratulations he is so beautiful!!!

Unknown said...

Hes so cute! congrats!

elizabethripleyhorn said...

Congratulations! I love the name August!

Unknown said...

I knew something was up- you hadn't been on here in a while!

Congratulations! He looks absolutely handsome. I hope everything goes well as you all settle in!!!

PS- I love the name

Unknown said...

Congratulations!! He is a beautiful little guy! What an exciting announcement!

Hallie said...

CONGRATS! He's beautiful! (can you say that about a baby boy??? if not - he's quite handsome!!) ;)

coolkids said...

congrats!!!!!!!!! he is adorable.

Mrs. Lukie said...

2 boys! My own little dream come true!

Congratulations to you, David & Dmitri on the most perfect and beautiful little Damon!

So happy to hear everything went beautifully--and of course, very excited to hear the birth story (should be sharing with us!)

I hope you're getting lots of rest and lots of mama-baby snuggles in <3

Rixa said...

Woohoo! So happy to hear the good news.

Mama Gone Green said...

Congratulations! He is so BEAUTIFUL!! Can't wait to hear your birth story.... rest up!!

Julie S. said...

Congratulations! He is so cute!

emily said...

congrats! he's gorgeous!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! He's absolutely adorable and perfect :)

Ginna said...

Congratulations! He is adorable!

Heather Maynard said...

I felt sure he was here since I hadn't seen a post in several days.

He's gorgeous - congrats to all of you, and can't wait to hear more! And let me know if you want some sweet little photos. :)

Chrissy said...

Congratulations! You have a beautiful new addition to your family.

Laurel said...


Love the name. Can't wait to here about your birth story. Enjoy the new baby!

Stephanie said...

He is adorable! Congrats!!!

mary said...

Congratulations & Blessings on your beautiful family!!! XOX!

Unknown said...

He's beautiful! Congratulations!

Rebecca@This Present Life said...

Congratulations! He looks beautiful. Can't wait to read about your birth story. I hope it was everything you hoped it would be. But in the meantime I will be sending you nothing but positive thoughts about sleep :)

Nesty Girl said...

Congratulations!!! He's absolutely beautiful!!!

paisley penguin said...


Tied with a Bouw said...

Congratulations Caroline, such wonderful news! Enjoy this very special time... welcome to the world little man :) x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Congratulations!!!!!

LaurelK said...

Congratulations! Welcome little one!

Willo said...

Congrats! He's beautiful!

Ab said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful! I hope you all are settling in and enjoying loving on that darling boy.

the cape on the corner said...

congrats to you all!

Cindy said...

Sweet boy. Ugh, how do you keep yourself from constantly kissing that face? So, glad everything went well.

Amanda @ Little House on the Corner said...

I'm catching up on all my blog reading - looks like I'm right on time to congratulate you! He is absolutely precious! Glad to hear everything went well!

Dana Ann said...

Congratulations! I love his name!

Stacey said...

hi again! xx he's beautiful! linked you in my new post. congrats again his name is so sweet and he's beautiful!

Jacinda said...

He is so perfect and gorgeous! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! i have a 9-month-old augustus, so i obviously love your name for your new little guy! :)

Katie Olthoff said...

um, hello?! How did I miss this! What a beautiful boy!

I just came by to read your pregnancy post with all the inspirational words. I'm going to need them in the next few hours!

annabelvita said...

He's beautiful! Congratulations

René said...

Congratulations! He is absolutely adorable!!! I hope you are well and enjoying your sweet new addition.

The Single Nester said...

Congratulations and may you have many happy and joyful moments together.